The presence of a plot of land imposes on its owner the obligation to provide care for him. And one of the urgent tasks that must be solved is tillage. Manually such work can be done if the area of the site is no more than 10 acres, and even then this is already problematic.
For a large area you can use a homemade mini tractorwhich is the perfect option. At the same time, it is not necessary to purchase a mini-tractor from official distributors or at the factory, because such equipment can be assembled by hand, it is enough to have at least minimal knowledge of technology.
If a compare home-made cars with the factory specifications, the superiority will be on the side of the latter. However, it is still wrong to use a new technique for processing small areas of land. And this is due not only to the high costs associated with the maintenance and acquisition of fuel and lubricants. Such a technique can cause serious damage to the soil structure. Therefore, a homemade mini-tractor is a much more preferred alternative. Next, we will discuss how to assemble a mini-tractor at home.
- 1 Advantages and disadvantages of homemade mini-tractors
- 2 Drawing up drawings
- 3 How to assemble a mini-tractor with your own hands?
- 3.1 Frame
- 3.2 Engine
- 3.3 Transmission
- 3.4 Steering
- 3.5 Rear Axle
- 3.6 Wheels
- 4 Conclusion
Advantages and disadvantages of homemade mini-tractors
If a вам необходима техника для обработки земельного участка, то do not immediately discard the idea of creating a mini-tractor do it yourself In addition to the fact that you can save a lot of money, you will have the opportunity to make such a machine that can demonstrate much greater functionality than the tractor with more power. A homemade mini-tractor can be a faithful assistant for you, which can be used for plowing vegetable gardens and planting fruit orchards, as well as processing acreage, transporting small loads and harvesting crops.
BUT the cost of making such a technique is so smallthat one season of its operation is enough to recover all expenses. The fact is that for the manufacture of such a tractor suitable components and mechanisms that can be borrowed from broken equipment or buy at bargain prices. Some owners often show ingenuity in this matter, and, based on other equipment, make certain changes to it, with the result that they have a homemade mini-tractor. Naturally, in this case, you will have to perform even less operations in order to assemble a mini-tractor.
True, there are some drawbacks herewhich need to be mentioned. For the manufacture of a mini tractor will require certain parts that may not be so easy to find. Difficulties can be encountered even when certain mechanisms fail, and it is not known whether they will be able to find an equivalent replacement. It must be remembered that for the assembly of such equipment are used nodes and mechanisms, borrowed from a long time unreleased equipment. Therefore, it is possible that to find certain details will not work.
An important stage in the manufacture of mini-tractor homemade - drawing up a drawing. To do everything right, do not do without technical skills and knowledge. It should also be borne in mind that the mini-tractor will be used with attached and trailed equipment, and therefore the owner will have to calculate the engine's tractive effort.
Drawing up drawings
Usually, when a person has a desire to collect any home-made technique, it all starts with an idea. Some people can do without a work plan presented on paper, relying on their own knowledge of technology. However, not all are such masters, so it would be better if you begin the process of assembling a home-made mini-tractor with the preparation of drawing basic units.
If it will be difficult for you to solve this problem, you can contact your friends if they already had to do something similar. In extreme cases, you can use the Internet and try to find the necessary information there.
After you get the finished drawing, you can easily assemble a mini tractor. It will be no more difficult than the game in the children's designer. Schematically, the work will look like this: you will need to take part A and connect it with part B.
Keep in mind that certain components and mechanisms will have to be pre-prepared before assembling the tractor. Remembering that you borrowed them from other equipment, most likely, their sizes and other characteristics will differ from those required. But, having a ready-made drawing in your hands, you will easily modify all the mechanisms, because you will clearly know what they should be.
In the process of drawing up a drawing it is important to decide the question of what design a mini-tractor should have. Quite often, farmers choose the 4 x 4 breakpoint option.
This is a variant of the tractor, in which an articulated frame is used, supplemented by a 4-wheel drive. This technique will be an excellent option for processing farms.
How to assemble a mini-tractor with your own hands?
Once the drawing is completed, you can start preparing the necessary parts. You should have the following:
- Transmission;
- Frame;
- Steering.
Not every owner will find in his farm the above details. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you have to run through the crush, as well as look at the sites for the sale of spare parts. Surely in one of them you will find the parts you need at bargain prices.
For making fractures most often used metal channel number 5 or number 9. This материал лучше всего подходит потому, что обладает необходимым запасом прочности на изгиб. На основе швеллера вам придется изготовить две полурамы методом сварки. После этого их соединяют друг с другом при помощи шарниров. В качестве крепежа можно использовать карданный вал грузовика.
Perhaps someone breaking will not work. In this case, the all-metal frame can be an alternative. As part of this design, the following elements are present: the right and left side members and the front and rear traverse.
To create spars you can take channel number 10. And to make the rear and front cross member, you can use channel number 16 and number 12. The transverse beam can be made of metal bar.
On a homemade mini tractor can install any engine, most importantly, that he had the necessary power. To make home-made equipment able to cope with all tasks, it is best to equip it with a power unit with a capacity of 40 liters. with.
In most cases, for homemade compact tractors use the following types of motors:
- MT-9;
- UD-2;
- UD-4.
Also, instead of them you can borrow the engine from the domestic cars of the brand "Lada" or "Moskvich".
In that case, if you decide to stick with 4 × 4, then you will have to refine the engine M-67: you need to increase the gear ratio of the transmission. If this is not done, then the power of the power unit will be insufficient for the equipment to move. Also, make sure that the motor is equipped with an additional cooling system.
The necessary mechanisms from the GAZ-53 can be borrowed as a gearbox and power take-off shaft. Coupling can be taken from the GAZ-52. Keep in mind that these nodes will need to be refined.
One of the tasks that you need to solve at this stage is to ensure synchronization of the clutch with the engine. For this New clutch basket is welded, после чего ее дорабатывают, придавая необходимые размеры. Определенные манипуляции придется выполнить с маховиком двигателя, у которого нужно укоротить заднюю плоскость, а также создать отверстие в центре. If a в вашем хозяйстве имеется токарный станок, то вы без труда выполните эти операции.
Given that this mechanism is intended for use on a mini-tractor, it has hydraulic cylinders must be present. In this case, your homemade technology will be more manageable. Keep in mind that the hydraulic system is a complex mechanism, so you can not make it yourself at home. Therefore, you will need to find suitable agricultural equipment and borrow from it the hydraulic system available there. For normal operation of the hydraulics, it must receive oil, and therefore you need to get a pump.
Rear axle
This the mechanism you can borrow from a car or truck, then put on your homemade mini tractor. However, before you have to modify it: you need to reduce the semi-axis with a lathe.
In that case, если вы не найдете готовый мост, можно собрать его от разных машин. Keep in mind that роль ведущего будет выполнять задний мост. Поэтому для переднего можно использовать любой имеющийся механизм, главное, чтобы он соответствовал нужным размерам.
Looking for wheels for a minitractor, consider their radius, which must meet the objectives of the use of technology.
- If a вы собираетесь перевозить с помощью этой машины грузы, то лучше всего выбирать диски радиусом от 13 до 16 дюймов.
- If a мини-трактор вам необходим, чтобы выполнять сельскохозяйственные работы, то на него рекомендуется устанавливать колеса 18–24 радиуса.
Private farms have to solve many problems every yearassociated with the care of the land. To spend less time and effort on such work, you need a special technique. Buying a factory tractor is not affordable for everyone, so many are considering the option of making a homemade mini-tractor with their own hands. Make such a machine is not so difficult, because it uses components and mechanisms from other types of technology. However, in order for the assembled machine to be in working condition, you first need to make a drawing and stick to it during the entire assembly process.