Casual cotton fabrics are combined with fine embroidery, original printed patterns, tweed, and quilted reliefs. Soft volumes - with bright colors and silky textures. There are more gradations and shades.

The color palette of the Swiss brand is increased by more than 70 shades and includes earthy and pastel colors, dark and elegant shades. Mandatory nuance: sporty colors in shades of green and blue, as well as a clean and fresh shade of mandarin.

On the translucent fabrics appeared colorful branches, flowers and leaves, depicted in a freer watercolor style. The opaque satin brings a masculine character and organizes feminine atmosphere of free and soft draperies with clear graphics.

Tones of oil, fir and sage, as well as red rust, bitter chocolate and corals appeared in the range of blue-green hues.

Elegant velvet is made in a rich palette of 36 colors, including three subtle shades, such as light blue, pistachio and pink. Velvet draperies of thick ripe shades, as well as quilted reliefs will present not only volume, but also accentuate the window opening.

Коллекция Cotton & Stories («Хлопок и истории») приглашает легко сочетать разные полотна. «Все ткани в новой коллекции собрались в непринужденной обстановке и вместе создают историю вместе», — считает Сибиль Эберхард (Sibylle Aeberhard), Création Bauman.