For a long time, wallpaper was the most popular coating. Then the passion for paints and textured plasters began, they forgot about wallpaper. Today, they have restored their reputation as irreplaceable. In France alone, where 66 million people live, 57 million rolls are sold per year. The market turnover is 300 million euros ...

What is the cause of the wallpaper boom? Thank you flizelinu. Technological innovations, primarily the appearance of nonwoven wallpaper — almost all brands — contributed to this to a large extent. Glue wallpaper was easy and fast. Glue is applied directly to the wall. Roll out the roll, cut off the canvas, put it on the wall - and it's done. The time gain is about thirty percent. Remove wallpaper even easier and faster, and on the wall will not even remain traces. Another advantage of flizelin: this dense material helps to hide small irregularities of the wall, so it does not need to be prepared so carefully, as, for example, under thin vinyl wallpaper (silk-screen printing).

There is one more reason for the love that flared up again: they remembered about the wallpaper again, because the fashion for ornament came. And this material best of all helps to embody any trends. Flowers of any degree of authenticity, strips of varying thickness and brightness, imitations of natural textures, from bamboo and wood to manila hemp, muddled psychedelic ornaments or, on the contrary, “like living” fabric draperies (a three-dimensional image resurrects the ancient trompe-l'oeil genre). .. In addition, digital printing allows you to transfer to the wall a photograph or drawing of your choice - including those that you did yourself.

Not surprisingly, modern wallpaper is expensive. However, it is not necessary, as before, to glue all four walls. You can finish one wall or even a fragment of it.

Some consider paper wallpaper obsolete. He is not right. This is an excellent eco-friendly coating, which is subject to the most fashionable decors. You say paper is not durable? The flaw in the past. High density samples appeared on the market.

How will it look at home on the wall? Such a question torments the person choosing the wallpaper. A glance at a length of a roll does not give an answer — on a vast surface, the effect is usually completely different. Therefore, a natural reaction in the form of stands with a variety of samples is confusion. Make the choice easier in a large store, where fragments of the interiors with the proposed coating are staged. An even more reliable (albeit costly) way: buy a trial roll, pin a couple of cloths to the wall and place some furniture next to it. It will be easier to present the final result.
One to one Many textile manufacturers produce wallpaper as well: fabrics and wall coverings are combined in one collection, harmonizing in color and pattern. And it happens - exactly repeating each other. There is a temptation: but not to make the curtains a continuation of the walls? Want - try. For the experiment more suitable bedroom. The abundance of the ornament should be balanced by smooth surfaces.