Trisha guild

Trisha Guild, the legendary British designer, owner of the Designers Guild, tells in an interview with the magazine SALON – interior about new collections, current topics, exclusive authorial techniques

Passing the gallery

Magazine: N5 (193) 2014

Trisha Guild, the legendary British designer, owner of the Designers Guild, tells in an interview with the magazine SALON – interior about new collections, current topics, exclusive authorial techniques

You release new collections twice a year, just like fashion brands do. Does a modern interior really live and change so fast? —Yes, we create new collections twice a year, and each subsequent one develops the ideas of the previous collections. In addition to fabrics and wallpapers, we make a lot of decorative accessories, create thematic collections for the bedroom and bathroom — in short, we try to offer a whole range of possibilities. Someone will choose a pillow for himself, and someone will change the whole interior scheme. But this does not mean that we assume that everyone will change the decoration of their homes every season. It is unreal and impossible. Quite the contrary: you made an investment in the decor of your home, in things that you like, and then at least every season you can develop, refine your interior.

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