At the end of last year, La Forêt Noire restaurant opened in the west of Lyon. The name “Black Forest”, consonant with the dessert of the same name that is served here, was also reflected in the interior.
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The owners Isabel and Charles Darno invited designers Fabien Louviers and Claude Cartier to work on a new project. For the studio Claude Cartier Décoration, specializing in residential interiors, this was the first experience in the design of the restaurant.

Атмосфера таинственного сумрачного леса складывается из деталей. Отправной точкой послужили обои Wall&Deco: принт в виде силуэтов ветвей и птиц выполнен в технике гризайль. Зелени добавляет обивка мягкой мебели — извивающегося змеей дивана и стульев. Выполненная из фактурного бархата, она напоминает мох. Яркий акцент — пестрящий разноцветными перьями ковер Pierre Frey: работа миланцев Эмильяно Сальчи и Бритта Морана (Dimore Studio).

The bar counter, shining with brass, was designed by Philippe Starck. It was supplemented with Martino Gamper chairs for Gebrueder Thonet Vienna: twined with neon tubes, they reinterpret the image of a classic Viennese chair. The spectacular Magic Circus Editions lamps echo the golden glitter of the bar counter. All elements are brought together by a strict and laconic framing: a marble checkerboard floor, black and white ceramic tiles on the columns, “concrete” wall decoration.