The worst design trends in 50 years

Technology giant Samsung turned to the British public. 2000 adults in the UK were interviewed; they should have recalled the worst trends in interior design in the last 50 years.

Related: Modern Kitchen: 3 Trends, 33 Examples

In total, it turned out 25 trends that went out of fashion and cause ridicule today. These are fur mats for toilet, stuffed animals (taxidermy), avocado-colored bathrooms, non-woven wallpapers for painting, African masks such as wall decorations, artificial stone cladding, bead curtains, bar counter in the living room, round beds, bidets, and stencil stickers , blinds, water mattresses, wallpaper borders, TV cabinets, carpet. Did they miss something?

To add positives, Samsung asked the British public to vote for the best trends in interior design: open-space space (66%) triumphs in this poll, followed by simple wood furniture (49%).