At the London Design Festival 2016, Nature lab will present the luxurious works of six British artists, the authors of fundamentally new techniques that turn familiar materials such as wood, sand, salt, clay and resin into objects that cause genuine surprise. Nature lab is an initiative of the British Crafts Council, supported by the London gallery The New Craftsmen, which focuses on luxury and sells items created on the basis of new radical methods that turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

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The London Design Festival 2016 стартует в 17 сентября. Он, по традиции, объединяет множество событий (уже проанонсировано около 400). Помимо основных площадок — 100% Design (выставочный центр Earl's Court), Tent London и Design Junction — в нем участвует множество галерей. И, конечно, музейные площадки, такие как V&A, Сомерсет-хаус или Музей дизайна являются активными участниками лондонской недели дизайна. В этом году фестиваль совпадает с London design biennale 2016.
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The heroes of The London Design Festival 2016 are Eleanor Lackelin, Emily Gardiner, Jochen Holtz, Joseph Harrington, Marcin Rousack and Marlene Wiss. French by origin, British designer Marlene Wissu was born into a family of beekeepers. In her Insects collection, black propolis obtained from a rubber tree became the material. Plus Wissu experimented with traditional techniques of blowing and engraving.

Marcin Rusak shows the beauty and subtlety of the natural world by placing flowers in black resin. Emily Gardiner calls herself a ceramics researcher. Joseph Harrington uses salt to form ephemeral patterns that turn from ice into glass. Eleanor Lackelin uses sand blasting equipment and bleaching agent, burning surfaces to create interesting textures and even uses a microwave oven to “age” wood. Jochen Holtz specializes in lampwork technology - the artistic treatment of glass in a burner flame.
The works of Nature lab designers will be available at the London festival from September 22 to September 25, 2016.