The first film about russian design

Moscow Design Museum prepared a documentary. The authors of the movie "The History of Russian Design" became Alexander Sankova and Svetlana Chirkova.

By topic: The first big film about Dieter Rams

It is difficult to imagine, but this is the first in Russia, pioneering, sensational film project on domestic design, covering its 100-year history. The film has four series: "Avant-garde", "VNIITE", "Design in the USSR", "Modern Design" about three periods: constructivism (1917 - 1935), developed socialism (1950 - 1980) and modernity (1990 - 2017). The frame shows graphic, environmental and industrial design - furniture, clothes, cars, equipment, toys. From the Soviet avant-garde of Malevich, Tatlin, Rodchenko, Stepanova, Lisitsky, the authors lead the viewer to the modern graphics of Igor Gurovich and the lamps of Katya Kopytina. A special place is occupied by the chapter on the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE), on design for mass production and state industry.

The premiere will be held on the TV channel. TC "Culture" will show the film from 28 to 31 May 2018, at 23:10.