Designer Tatyana Minina designed the apartment for herself. From the former communal 63 square. m with adjacent rooms received a full three-room apartment with two separate bedrooms and a separate dressing room.
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Tatyana MininaBureau "Minina Design" The designer created the apartment she dreamed of.
none " />Обои Cole & Son с геометрическим орнаментом согласуются с двумя другими видами обоев. Они уравновешивают их активный рисунок. Работа Натальи Ситниковой (галерея Agency.Art Ru). Ковер New Rug. Подушки, лампа MoonStores. The sofa Miniforms attracted the designer with an unusual form, referring to the style of the 1950s. The upholstery in ocher tones, like wallpaper, brings color to the interior - the author of the project tried to avoid monochrome. Painting by Natalia Sitnikova (gallery Agency.Art Ru). The designer admits that she dreamed of living in a Stalinist house with a balcony, purposefully looking for just such an option. However, over the apartment of the dream had to work hard. “I got a former communal flat with a wrong layout: three rooms, two of which are communicating, a huge and unhelpful hall, arched doorways, a balcony“ lined ”with clapboard: like a birdhouse, he almost did not let in the light. All this got rid of without regret. One had only to clear the balcony, as a beautiful openwork fence, a view of the street and greenery was opened. The apartment has become much freer. After the redevelopment, it was possible to get a full-fledged three-room apartment, with two isolated bedrooms and a separate dressing room, which the author of the project is especially proud of: she saved the rooms from the closets. And the balcony, which used to belong to the bedroom, as Tatyana dreamed, became part of the living room.
The ceiling beam is a natural zoning element that separates the kitchen from the living-dining room. Near the wall is the work of Viktor Sedov (gallery Agency.Art Ru). Table decor Polna-Polka, MoonStores, Linentexture. The dresser is made to order, the designer brought unusual handles in the shape of animals from Bali. Cache pot MoonStores. The dresser is made to order, its decor develops the theme of geometry. English Cocker Spaniel Joy - the mistress's favorite. Planter and stool MoonStores. “The only planning difficulty that had to be faced is a large carrying column. Because of her, in order to make an opening from the hall to the living room, I had to round the wall of the bathroom.
The console is made to order. Hexagon tiles on the floor in harmony with the pattern of wallpaper in the living room. Female portrait, statuette of a parrot - all Living. Sconce Handle Studio, decor MoonStores, Polna-Polka. But when it appeared on the wallpaper with fabulous airships - it was the trump card of the interior. And the carrier column was hidden in the carpentry cabinet and its impressive dimensions of 70 x 70 cm are not felt at all. ”
Cпальня. Обои Cole & Son, бра Handle Studio. Текстиль на кровати Linentexture, плед MoonStores. Cпальня. Обои Cole & Son, бра Handle Studio. Статуэтка тукана Living. Текстиль на кровати Linentexture, плед MoonStores. На стене маска, привезенная из ЮАР. Спальня. Обои Cole & Son. The wide window sill serves as a convenient workplace for the designer. The bathroom is finished with the same tiles as the kitchen. Обои Cole & Son стали отправной точкой в дизайне. «Очень люблю эту английскую марку, не могла обойти прекрасные «Облака» и «Дирижабли» дизайна Пьеро Форназетти, которые уже стали классикой. Все пошло от них. И охристые оттенки, и черно-бело-серая гамма, и отделочные материалы подбирались им в поддержку.
The kitchen is made according to the sketches of Tatyana Mininoy company "New Interiors". The designer used unconventionally “subway” tiles: she arranged not horizontally, but vertically, and also trimmed her window slopes. The designer created the apartment she dreamed of. Желтые и охристые оттенки радуют в долгие зимние дни без солнца, спальня в прохладных и воздушных цветах дает выспаться и легко проснуться. Подоконник во всю стену служит удобным рабочим столом. Интерьер наполнен привезенными автором из поездок и путешествий деталями: ручки на мебели приехали с острова Бали, скульптуры с блошиного рынка Парижа, маски и статуэтки — из ЮАР.
Важную роль играет в интерьере диван фабрики Miniforms, который Tatyana Minina заприметила на выставке в Милане: «Его форма великолепна. Она и не классическая и не современная — отсылает к стилистике 1950-х». Автор проекта, Tatyana Minina и английский кокер-спаниэль Джой.