The undisputed hit of Milan Design Week and an object that deserves all the attention is the Cupola chandelier, created by Studio AMeBE. A product made in Italy of advanced technology and manual labor. Cupola reproduces the dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. This luxurious luminaire was released with a circulation of only 15 pieces of hand-painted polyurethane. The intensity of light (LED radiation) can be controlled using the iPhone et iPad. Cupola dimensions are 100 x 110 cm. The “dome” weighs 20 kg.
The present dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral (1506), a masterpiece of architecture, the tallest dome in the world, has a height of 119 meters and a diameter of 42 meters. This grand structure was designed by Michelangelo in the form of a single shell of concrete, facilitated by adding volcanic rocks tuff and pumice. The inner surface of the dome caisson. Crowned by a dome light lantern. The inner surface is decorated with images of four evangelists: Matthew - with an angel, Mark - with a lion, Luke - with an ox, John - with an eagle.

Studio AMeBE was founded in 2008 by Alessandra Mantovani and Eleonora Barbareschi. Among the fields of activity of brilliantly educated Italian beauties are industrial design and graphic design, web and visual communications. Their work has been repeatedly awarded the Red Dot Award.