Smart fashion at #techstyle in the usa

A dress that broadcasts tweets. Handbag recharging smartphone. Sandals printed on a 3D printer ... Smart fashion - a new term and a new fashion industry. Engineers, mathematicians, biologists, and specialists in various industries are working on the same level as designers in creating clothing.

Как высокие технологии и фэшн-индустрия взаимодействуют друг с другом? Экспозиция #techstyle в Бостонском Музее изящных искусств демонстрирует красноречивые примеры: взаимодействие неизбежно и идет полным ходом. На выставке представлены 60 фантастических предметов гардероба, которые давно вышли за рамки умозрительных фантазий и стали реальностью. Одежду, обувь и аксессуары показывают 32 дизайнера и модных дома, включая Нери Оксман, Aйрис ван Херпен, Джайлса Дикона, Alexander McQueen, Viktor & Rolf, Ralph Lauren. Лондонская студия Cute Circuit специально для #techstyle создала платье, демонстрирующее картины из коллекции Музея. Посетители могут выбирать изображение с помощью iPad.

Anthozoa cape and skirt, call. Voltage Haute Couture, diz. I. van Herpen and N. Oksman, 2013. 3D printing. © M. Zoeter x Iris van Herpen. Photo: Ronald Stoops. A plexiglass dress imprinting the crystallization of a splash of water. Diz. A. Van Herpen in collaboration with N. Night and D. Guinness for ShowStudio, 2013. Photo courtesy of Nick Knight and Dress from the metallized leather and crystals of Swarovski, diz. J. Deacon, call. Spring / Summer 2012. Laser cutting. Photo by Chris Moore Courtesy of Giles Deacon.

Clothing can be interactive. Dresses move autonomously from who wears them. Capes change color depending on temperature, wind strength and light intensity. Patterns are applied to the fabric with a laser, weave laces of thousands of LEDs into it and make them glow and sparkle with luminescent highlights. The mobile application scans the body and promptly changes the cut, launching 3D printing.

Cape Bird Call Air, diz. The Unseen / Lauren Bowker, 2014. Skin dyed with “smart paint”. Changes color depending on temperature, humidity and wind strength. Photo courtesy of The Unseen. © The Unseen 2015 AIR Collection.

The curators of the show are sure: in the near future, many innovative fashion concepts will go into the category of ready-to-wear. The #techstyle exhibition at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts is open until July 10th.