Scandic chic trend carpets

Exquisite simplicity is a new slogan for carpet manufacturers. At the head of the corner is high quality and practicality, unobtrusive and homely design. New carpets with a “Nordic character” make interiors warmer in the direct and figurative sense. DThe inerters create things in the spirit of Urban Oasis — shelter from gray urban landscapes. Objects imitate plants and natural landscapes - they adopt forms and palettes or delight them with nuances that speak about hand weaving or imitate it.

Related: After Party Carpet nominated for the German Design Award 2018

Trace, Normann Copenhagen. Dиз. Сара Бёттгер и Ханна Эмели Эрнстинг. Shade, Nanimarquina. Diz. Begem Jana Ozgur. Lattice, Kvadrat. Dиз. Хелла Йонгериус.

Tramage, Ligne Roset. Dиз. Венсан Торджман. Halo Light, Golran. Dиз. Инга Семпе. Semis, Danskina. Dиз. Ронан и Эрван Буруллеки.