Оснащение для ванных проектируют именитые дизайнеры. Патрик Фрей рассказывает, как создавал коллекцию Finion для Villeroy & Boch, получившую премию Red Dot 2017. В нее вошли три вида раковин, подвесные унитаз и биде, зеркало и мебель. Шкаф и стеллаж Finion можно оборудовать зарядным устройством для смартфона. Толщина корпуса и кромок предметов — всего 8 мм.
Related: Bathroom: 5 Red Dot 2017 Award Winners
Patrick Frey was born in South Korea, studied industrial design in Hannover. In 2007 he founded his own design studio. After the first year of independent work, he received the most prestigious award among young authors - the Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award. Subsequently, many of his works were awarded international awards, including the iF Design Award and the Good Design Awards of the Chicago Athenaeum.

How do you feel about bespoke trend? Creating a Finion collection with almost 20 elements of ceramics and furniture has become an interesting complex task. I developed a free concept that was based on associations with the bathroom and its role in the house. The main elements of the concept are the moods and needs of people.

What are your inspirations? How do you feel about trends? To get creative charge, I go to the exhibition. Of course, this does not imply a repetition of what he saw, but the creation of something new and unique. As for trends, we are always talking about the needs of people. As a designer, I see my task in doing understandable things. My concepts offer the simplest solutions for everyday problems. Rational and functional. I am very interested in how professionals and consumers will react to Finion.

By creating a bath collection, you have entered a new area for you. How did you cope with this task? Керамика — новый для меня материал, с которым я еще никогда не работал. Поэтому сначала я полностью погрузился в тему «керамика», принял участие в тренинг-семинаре о процессе производства в компании Villeroy & Boch. Меня поразили его точность и комплексность. Например, то, как сложно создать форму и что керамические изделия в процессе обжига дают усадку. По натуре я скорее мебельный дизайнер и работаю с более теплыми и мягкими материалами, такими как дерево, кожа и ткань. Керамика, напротив, очень твердая и гладкая, от нее веет холодом — эффект, который не должен присутствовать в моей коллекции. Таким образом, особый вызов состоял в том, чтобы керамика создавала ощущение уюта, мягкости и тепла.

What solution did you find? I created soft transitions and developed a smooth design with clear contours for the sinks. For this, I put a cloth on the form, and the silhouette of the "floating" material reflected in ceramics. At the same time, I was able to fully utilize the advantages of the TitanCeram material, which allowed me to make the forms slim and elegant. Heat I created primarily with the help of furniture. Here, warm colors with gold elements come to the fore, they create the desired effect.