Designer Bea Schönfeld (Bea Szenfeld) creates high fashion from ... paper. With scissors, tape, rope, and thousands of paper sheets, Beah makes up extremely impractical creations.
Haute Papier Project. Photographer Joel Rodin. 2014 Haute Papier Project. Photographer Joel Rodin. 2014 Haute Papier Project. Photographer Joel Rodin. 2014However, it does it so cleverly, and she herself looks so artistic that her project Haute Papier - fantastic images in masterly designed paper clothes, masterfully captured by photographer Joel Rodin, were no less a revelation than the fashion of the famous Iris van Herpen. The handmade costumes from Schönfeld are worn by Björk, Lady Gaga, as well as dancers, singers and musicians of the Swedish Royal Opera.
Designer Bea Schönfeld (Bea Szenfeld).Полячка Беа Шенфельд живет и работает в Швеции, где окончила Beckmans College of Design. За свою выпускную работу она получила премию H&M Design, а после стажировалась у Стеллы Маккартни. Охотно снимается в рекламных роликах для шведских производителей Electrolux или Kinnarps.
The exhibition “Imaginary is Real” (Everything You Can Imagine is Real) at the Dansmuseet (Museum of Dance) is complemented by photographs created in collaboration with Stockholm-based photographers Caroline Henke, Karl Torborg and Stina Viersen. The Stockholm Dansmuseet was opened in 1953 in the basement of the Swedish Royal Opera, displaying an extensive collection of Rolf de Maré, the leader of Swedish ballets in Paris from 1920-1925. Today the museum displays exhibitions related not only to dance, but also to theatrical art, photography and fashion.
Bea offers not only colossally complex paper constructions, but also uses fabrics and second-hand items in her work.“I like this combination - Dansmuseet, my paper outfits and the Royal Opera,” says Bea Schönfeld. - Incredible and at the same time obvious. Paper and dancing are great! ”
Dozens of surrealistic scenes are shown at Everything You Can Imagine is Real.