Lorenz Bäumer (Lorenz Bäumer) is called an “equilibrist jeweler” for the ease with which he switches between the themes of his work. Ideas draws in poetry, architecture, nature, sculpture, photography, reflecting it in the ornaments.
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Such curiosity is a consequence of nomadic childhood. Boymer was born in the USA to a German-French diplomat family and since his childhood he has moved a lot from country to country. Traveling opened his eyes to other cultures and is still one of the main sources of inspiration.
Brooch Scarabée, diz. L. Boymer. Lorenz Bâumer, Paris.Even those who are far from high jewelry could see the work of Lorentz Boomer: his 59-carat diamond tiara decorated the wedding attire of Princess of Monaco in 2010. “Charlene and I have a lot in common,” said Boymer. “She’s a swimmer last time, and I’m seriously surfing.” In a tiara modeled using 3D technology, the outlines of a wave were clearly read. In general, the ocean is one of the permanent sources of inspiration for the jeweler. Another - paintings and sculptures; the third is flora and fauna. Red jasper-tomato ring, brooch in the form of leek from jade and sapphires, - Boimer can not be denied any fantasy or sense of humor.
“A good piece of jewelry is the quintessence of luxury,” said the master. - I like architecture, combined with poetry. Geometric shapes and clean lines give my creations a modern dimension. But even beyond this obvious modernity, I want to preserve authenticity. Each jewel carries a message and has a hidden meaning. ”
He was born in 1965 in Washington into a family of a Frenchwoman and a German diplomat (his last name is from him). He worked with Cartier, Gucci, Hermès, Piaget, but particularly glorified him for 20 years of collaboration with Chanel. In 2009, he became the creative director of Louis Vuitton Haute Joaillerie, having worked at LVMH until 2015. He opened his first boutique in 1989 on rue Royale - then Boymer was engaged in jewelry, dedicating it to about six years, but gradually switched to jewelry. Career went up the hill in 2010 after winning the competition to create a wedding tiara Ecume de Diamants for the bride of Prince of Monaco Albert II. In 2013, Boymer opened a boutique on Place Vendome, near the Ritz Hotel.
Braslet Mikado, diz. L. Boyer. Lorenz Bâumer, Paris.Jeweler Boymer subtly feels the material and boldly goes to the experiment. In its jewelry, it adds jadeite, tiger eye, manganese spar and even plain pebbles from the seashore to rubies and sapphires. Instead of gold, do not mind applying titanium or meteorites. Boomer's favorite interior material is metal. In his apartment, next to the workshop on the Place Vendome, this addiction is issued by numerous items of wrought iron, steel and silver. The most beloved is the “faceted” sideboard by the work of Paul Evans (1931–1987), a master who became famous for his sculptural furniture. Prices for his works today are tens of thousands of dollars.
Cardinal ring, diz. L. Boymer. Lorenz Bâumer, Paris. Black opals, sapphires, gold.“True luxury is that which expresses your individuality.” The jeweler also refers to his home: he fills it with piece-style gallery furniture and art. "We buy works from pure pleasure, without any thought to form a thoughtful collection." Preference is given to photographs in non-traditional techniques, such as authors such as Vic Munnis or Adam Fuss.
The main thing with which Boymer is famous is the work by special order. From New York, Dubai, London and Palm Beach fly to his studio VIP clients, with whom he has many hours of conversation: find out their preferences up to their favorite dishes and wines. It is necessary for the work to be so “personal” that, even when it simply lies in a case, there is no doubt who its owner is.
Rings Fleur Reflet, Surf, Titane reflet lagon, Titane rivière, diz. Lorenz Boymer. White gold, titanium, white diamonds, aquamarine, peridot, pink tourmaline, blue sapphire, pink garnet, pink sapphires, indigolite.New jewelery was presented by Boymer at the PAD Genève exhibition, which was held from February 1 to February 4, 2018. The main material of the collection was titanium. He joined the Boymer with white gold, diamonds, sapphires and tourmalines, aquamarines and peridots. Cold shine softened smooth forms, imitating natural objects - from flowers to the heavenly bodies.
Earrings Fleur Titane, diz. Lorenz Boymer. Titanium, white gold, indigolite, white diamonds, peridot, pink tourmaline, aquamarine.