Apple products are a constant hype, people are eagerly awaiting the release of the new device and are choking with admiration, becoming the owner of a long-awaited miracle. There is a special atmosphere around each event, one way or another connected with the “Apple”, one part of people is delighted, and the other is scattered in criticism. We will miss the eternal disputes regarding the technology of Apple, and pay attention to the accessories that have long become a cult. Everyone knows covers, docking stations, souvenirs and other attributes issued under the auspices of the love for the "apple". And so, the fashion trend has grown into interior items and in particular, the transformation has touched furniture.
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In order to ignite the fans, the Italian designer Emanuele Magini implemented the apple idea by developing “Ipouf” (Ipouf). The result is a unique ottoman, the design of which simply amazes with creativity. The shape of the ipuf resembles a horn and is made in bright colors. The most interesting thing is that the soft ottoman is equipped with a wireless sound amplification system, which can be controlled directly from an iPhone, iPod or iPad.
Ipuf - a stylish attribute of the interior of the youth room
Ipouf has combined in itself three components that fit perfectly into the interior design of a teenager's room - a fashion accessory, an extravagant element of furniture and a powerful speaker system.
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Campeggi company, being a manufacturer of a unique “apple chair”, presented an ipuf in April 2012 at the Milan Furniture Salon exhibition.
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Youth Furniture - Ipouf ||Youth Furniture - Ipouf-->
Youth Furniture - Ipouf