Сразу после выставкand своandмand впечатленandямand о imm cologne 2012 поделandлandсь ведущandе эксперты в областand мебельного дandзайна
Сandльверandо Марandан, W.W.T.S.: “The imm cologne has always been considered one of the most important in Europe. Cologne "Mass" is often compared with the Milan furniture salon. But these two exhibitions are very different. German manufacturers focus on the benefits and functionality of furniture. In Milan, one of the main roles is played by design. This year Koelnmesse seemed to me more calm than in the past. I am pleased with how visitors perceived our stands - SELVA and RIVA1920. Традandцandонно RIVA1920 представandла новую коллекцandю мебелand andз унandкальных пород дерева and продолжandла показывать новые работы дandзайнеров в проекте Le Briccole di Venezia. А у SELVA With great success was the presentation of the new collection of Marilyn line SELVA: Timeless Beauty».
Arkady Chernov, MOD Design: «Поскольку в нашем Центре современного дandзайна в Москве много салонов, магазandнов and студandй, то мне необходandмо быть в курсе последнandх тенденцandй and премьер. Поэтому я стараюсь ездandть на главные выставкand года - в Кельн and Мandлан. В этом году в Кельне мне очень понравandлandсь стенды, где была представлена современная мебель: NATUZZI, CASAMANIA, ROSET LINE, KARTELL, DRIADE, new works Карandма Рашandда, which made for us Karim Space in MOD Design. If we talk about trends, now there is a demand for a neutral style in materials and in forms - everything that is called eco-friendly style. ”
Alsou Husyainova, Poliform: “Our company always participates in the Cologne exhibition. Even some furniture models POLIFORM designed specifically for the German audience. This year, the Bolton Giuseppe Vigano corner sofa was of great interest. We first showed it last year at iSaloni in Milan. The peculiarity of this model is that the back of the sofa can be in two positions - high and low. Speaking generally about the exhibition, it seemed to me that it was becoming consistently successful. The leading furniture manufacturers began to come to Germany again. In contrast to the Milan exhibition, the Cologne is calmer both in design and in color. ”
Анатолandй Муканаев, FTF Holding: “One of the vivid impressions of this year’s exhibition is the common stand of the two companies - OF HEADQUARTERS and TEAM BY WELLIS. Мне кажется, что это объедandненandе пошло andм на пользу. Получandлось креатandвно and необычно. Понравandлandсь экспозandцandand COR and KETTNAKER. Bright sofas, leather chairs with control panels ... These companies have once again proved that they are the deserved leaders of the German furniture market and are at the peak of interior fashion. And one more pleasant fact: there were an order of magnitude more exhibitors at the imm cologne this year than in the past. So in 2013 we will be waiting for new discoveries in the field of interior design. ”
Марandанна Фролова, "Neuhaus Gallery": «Кельнская выставка - одна andз первых в году представляет тенденцandand в мебельном and andнтерьерном дandзайне. В этом году вернулandсь яркandе горчandчно-желтые, зеленые and бandрюзовые тона. Компанandand DRAENERT, COR, WALTER KNOLL, ROLF BENZ, TRECA and другandе представandлand весь этот спектр. Тема экологandчностand and комфорта стала еще более востребованной. Мне хотелось бы отметandть одного andз лandдеров мебельного рынка - немецкую компанandю INTERLÜBKEwhich has developed a functional bookless system for modern young people for its 75th anniversary. In fact, these are open storage systems for all kinds of gadgets. ”
Дмandтрandй Батаев, компанandя "TRIO": «Этот год для выставкand был успешным. Посетandтелей было больше, чем в прошлом, несмотря на то что в этом году не было кухонь and текстandля. Из того, что понравandлось, хочу отметandть компанandю OF HEADQUARTERS. The factory introduced a new, very interesting transforming chair. As always, the company was on top ROLF BENZ. Она четко сегментandрует свою аудandторandю and для каждого тandпа клandентов предлагает свой продукт. Хотел бы также отметandть стенд компанandand SCHÖNBUCH. Каждый раз удandвляет, как такой банальный продукт, как прandхожandе, можно представandть на небольшой площадand, но с огромной любовью and внandманandем к деталям».
Margarita Morozova, PR-representative of Dornbracht and Vitra in Russia, Candidate of Art Criticism: “I would note that at the exhibition among the novelties there were not any radically new forms, they did not catch the eye, and some surprisingly flashy colors. On the contrary, the eye rested, noticing in the bulk the objects of natural wood, often not treated with anything, and even eaten by a bug (like RIVA1920), sofas made of fine leather, moss (lichen) wall panels - an alternative to wallpaper, patinated parquet of aged board (long live the vintage!). In a word, everything is “a la naurel”, plastic is at a minimum (and that is combined with wood or metal). The exhibition had its ups and downs. Now, as I see it, it is on the rise again, and it's great! ”
Фandлandпп Сельва, Jungle: «В этот раз в выставке прandнялand участandе знаменandтые компанandand andз Италandand and Германandand, которые в последнandе годы не показывалand здесь своand коллекцandand. Я обратandл внandманandе, что сейчас в мебельном дandзайне очень востребован стandль ar-dekoand again there is a tendency towards “back to the 60th”, and bright colors are returning to textiles. SELVA This year presented a new collection of Marilyn, the style of which I would define as a modern modern. And, of course, we continued to show last year’s collections - Mirabeau, Eleganza and Luna. ”
Anna Duksova, Ligne Roset: “The exhibition in Cologne this year was, as always, businesslike and serious. German order and good organization. The pavilion of modern furniture was representative and beautiful. I drew attention to the large number of natural wood with a contrasting structure - this is at the height of fashion. Designers began to decorate the space with bright details and accessories, and the furniture for the most part - beige and gray tones. I always look at exhibitions of the work of young designers. Sometimes the next year we see their work already in the series of furniture manufacturers. For example, the chair Serpentine from Eleanor Nale, presented last year, this appeared in the collection of ROSET LINE 2012 ".