“In a good design there is always something that stimulates the intellect,” says modern design star Kelly Westler. Indeed, eclecticism requires courage, and the Hollywood cocktail, which advocates an American - real courage.
Living room in an apartment in New York. Active parquet unites space.Возможно, стиль Келли Уэстлер войдет в учебники как образец американского mix&match 2000-2010-х годов. Вообще, заполучить эту даму в качестве декоратора для частной виллы трудно, но очень престижно. «Я вижу пространство сразу в трех измерениях. Оцениваю историю, расположение и архитектуру и начинаю раздвигать границы», — говорит декоратор. Ее специализация — ретротеатральный стиль, который она подхватила у знаменитых предшественников, американских декораторов Дороти Дрейпер и Уильяма Хейнза. Кто-то называет ее метод возвращением к голливудскому регентству, а кто-то — максимализмом. Она умеет ставить римские головы на ворсистые ковры с агрессивным орнаментом, обивать кресла в стиле Людовика XIV черной кожей с тисненым рисунком, вешать зеркала эпохи рококо на ярко-бирюзовые стены.
Living room in a Belagio mansion in California. Each texture has its own loud voice.Westler, the owner of the design company KWID, designed many movie star interiors and is among the top ten hotel designers. I made seven hotels for the Viceroy chain: in Miami, Mexico, in the Caribbean and in Vietnam. She also succeeded in creating accessories, carpets and home textiles. “It was written to me to deal with the interiors. Mom was a born decorator, she lived surrounded by beautiful things and constantly reworked something. I could return from school - and the walls in the living room are of a different color ... "
Cabinet at Sanderson House, WA.Kelly studied at the Massachusetts College of Art, trained in New York and Cambridge. Worked as a model. Even now she is in great shape, despite being extremely busy: she has two sons, helps her husband-developer Brad Korzen write books on decor ... It seems that her rich colorful interiors were created only to refute the ironic attitude to American taste. “It is interesting for me to mix things of the 20s with objects of the 80s. In my heart I am a modernist. I do not like it when the interior looks as if everything in it was bought immediately and in one store. I know that this is the easiest way to furnish a house, but finding things in different places is much more exciting. And the rooms are richer, more textured. ”
Hall boutique hotel The Tides in Miami.Throughout America, and sometimes in Europe, Kelly is looking for spectacular objects of the twentieth century: chairs, lamps, bar stools, vases, ashtrays, small plastic. The criterion is always the same - the thing should be suitable in scale and give the interior a historical depth.
“If there is an object in the house that is“ well lived ”, it will always declare its theme and thereby enrich the interior.”
All unanimously admire the freedom and courage with which Kelly mixes colors, ornaments, textures. And also created her numerous dressers, beds, tables, appearing as a horn of plenty. Her product design is inspired by three masters. “I appreciate Joe Ponti, Piero Fornasetti, Ettore Sottsassa,” the American admits in love for the Italian maestro.
Living room home in California.“Firstly, in a luxury house there must be stunning, sexy lamps - so that they look like real works of art in form and give artistic light. Secondly, it is necessary to think over the coatings well - it doesn't matter if you have plaster, wallpaper or panels, but the walls must “work”. The third principle is the dialogue between the palette and textures, and the more saturated and extravagant they are, the more important the single center. My practice says that the best “hero” of a glamorous interior is a large format sculpture. She organizes space and collects "discord" in a single choir. "
Living room in the Hillcrest mansion. Working on this interior, Kelly was passionate about the work of the designers of the Memphis group.If the budget allows - and all Westler capital-intensive projects - in its interiors will reign natural stone. The walls of the living room lined with honey onyx, in the bathroom - the same stone, but more vivid, textured. In the inlays on the floors used 3-4 grades of marble. Kelly uses a complex pattern or puts a stone on purposely large slabs - so that the material's capabilities are demonstrated to the fullest. If he draws furniture, he tries to give the table a marble tabletop, and a lamp - a base made of onyx.
Bedroom in a coastal home in Malibu. Branded symmetry Kelly Westler and large pattern on the walls. Small living room in apartment in New York. Kelly is able to cope with the problem of Manhattan real estate - low ceilings.Living room with two beds and ornamental carpet. House in Malibu. Bedroom in apartment in New York Tribeca. Geometric cell on the floor and loose stains on the walls. Dining in the house of collectors Sanderson in Washington. Master bedroom in the house of collectors Sanderson in Washington. Living room in a mansion Donehy in California. Sphynx in extravagant interiors Kelly Westler organically. Guest bedroom in the house of collectors Sanderson in Washington. Fur poufs and rug - and the interior looks even more glamorous.