Hotel project ARTISHOCK

Leading headings: Marina Volkova
Magazine: N5 (127) 2008
In 2008 in Moscow will be one more stylish place. In Barvikha, in the territory of the Luxury Village complex, a hotel will open, on the project of which it is working
Now in line is Moscow. What will be the hotel, we have yet to see. But what will be the bathrooms there, it was possible to understand in November at the exhibition "INTERIOR SHOW". Or rather, at the ARTISHOCK booth.
На протяжении последних лет эта отечественная фабрика создает уникальные изделия из камня. Ванные комнаты for отеля в Барвихе полностью отделаны каменными плитами, созданными мастерами фабрики. ARTISHOCK работает с самыми разными камнями - благородным, но не простым в обработке порфиром, всеми сортами мрамора, богатым на оттенки (в основном светлые - белый, сероватый, желтоватый, коричневатый) травертином, кварцитами и многими другими.
Sandstone and granite have been chosen for the decoration of the hotel’s bathrooms in the Luxury Village. The floor and walls are faced with sandstone. This is a variety of Tea Wood (the surface of a stone of a smooth ocher color is dotted with veins of darker shades). To make the interior look more spectacular, we decided to play in contrast - the bath profiles were lined with granite Nero Assolute Zimbabwe in anthracite black.