HOH Architecten conducted work on the reconstruction of two buildings in Amsterdam for the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
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The Institute is a center for interdisciplinary research and occupies a special free space in the academic world. IAS unites young international scientists: sociologists, economists and biologists. They needed space for work, rest and comfortable communication. To meet, generate ideas, combine old and new knowledge, develop methods at the interface of sciences.

Two neighboring buildings on the canal bank were built in 1642 by Philips Vingboons and transferred to different owners - divided into three and a half centuries. One even got a new facade in 1882.

Amsterdam office of Hartemink Ouburg Hilgendorf - HOH Architecten took on the reunion of the "twins". Some rooms have been renovated, others have undergone more radical intervention. The total area of reconstruction - 600 square meters. meters

Both buildings are connected by a passage on each floor. Two second floors of houses given for office space and decorated in bright colors and cold materials. Rooms for work and meetings on the upper floors were repaired and finished with wood.

Like today's scientists, architects overestimated old things and presented them with a new quality, without denying history. The architectural game between the physical and the visual, reality and perception must be guaranteed, as architects believe, that both users and visitors need to reconfigure their way of interaction for the sake of fruitful collaboration.