Jobu, diz. P. Lissoni, Lema. Headboard frame: oak in heat treatment. Upholstery: fabric or leather.

Couche, Baxter. Side elements can be folded. Upholstery: leather.

Bed with headboard Gate, diz. S. Tolgard, Vispring. Wood upholstery: Belgian linen Pebble Glazed.

Eden, sofa bed, diz. A. Citterio, Flexform. Textiles, leather.

Clarissa, diz. A. Castello, M.-A. Lagravinese, Opera Contemporary. Oak, there is a version in wenge, upholstery: fabric or leather.

Bed Nizioleto, Rubelli Casa. Upholstery - fabric from the Rubelli collection.

Kali 'Nikta, diz. D. Sozzi, Promemoria. Leather, walnut, details and bronze.