Swedish beauty Front incredibly productive. Sofia Lagerkvist and Anna Lindgren have known each other since their student years. “Our ideas rub against each other like stones in waves. After each remark, the meaning of the project becomes clear, the work goes without stupors and delays. ” But the most important thing - to break the taboo alone is scary, but with a friend - is another matter.

Образовали дизайн-бюро в 2003-м три девушки: Анна Линдгрен — знаток технологий. София Лагерквист — отличная рисовальщица. Шарлотта вон дер Ланкен — неутомимый мозг. Дебютировали с коллекцией из пластиковых стульев и кресел, изготовленных с помощью технологии 3D-принтинга в 2003-м. С тех пор каждый год представляют что-нибудь экстравагантное./p>
Front copes with luxury, but their luxury is very inventive. This is exactly what interior designers like and enthralls the client. Swedish inventors are pleased to invite Italian furniture factories, which should attract an unusual novelty, maintain the high reputation of industrial design flagships and cheer cynical critics. Front hits include puffs that dangerously resemble parts of the human body (Moroso), magnifying glass mirrors (Porro), huge horses with lamps on their manes and piggy tables (Moooi), unusual bentwood items - hangers and cocoon chairs ( Thonet), etc. Axor, the renowned factory, released their plumbing concept - a spectacular installation of copper pipes and old-fashioned WaterDream shower heads. At Milan Design Week, Front projects are constantly getting great feedback.

Front's portfolio has large carpets, like pencils and wallpaper, as if bitten by rats. “When we were working on the Design by Animals project, we simply imagined how wallpaper, lamps, hangers and other household items looked like from the point of view of rabbits, snakes, rats and dogs.”

Front are the most atypical representatives of Scandinavian design, known worldwide as austere, functional and ascetic. Swedish girls are intriguing, entertaining, seducing. “We are the enemies of everything standard, banal, boring.” Their successful fate was predetermined by the exhibition in the Friedman Benda gallery in New York and the exposition at Art Basel / Miami ten years ago. Then the unique chairs, tables and chairs of Sketch furniture, made in front of the public with the help of 3D-printing from thermoplastic, became a performance from which it was impossible to look away.

Each new project is born in noisy discussions, Front is set up to experiment and research. Recently, the trio has reduced and became a duet. The group was left by Charlotte von der Lanken. But the level and scale of creativity is not affected. Ladies, not once admitted that they always come from the process and material. They are studied thoroughly and only then come up with the form of the product.