Career designer Federico Peri goes uphill. A young Italian (born 1983), a native of Treviso, just a couple of years ago, he began to design armchairs and lamps that drastically changed his fate.
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Peri designs not just pieces of furniture, but entire home islands. The modular aspect in design is not news, but aesthetics, the use of refined materials, the quality of the joints, all together gives the products a luxurious new look. “My grandfather worked for a company that made shelves and shelves,” Peri recalls with affection. “I played around every day.”

“Nothing was done the way I wanted,” says the designer. Everything has to be corrected and reworked all the time. ”Instead of ordinary iron or aluminum, Per’s racks are made of golden brass, complemented by wooden drawers with leather straps and glass shelves. “I want to combine the furniture industry with fashion. I grew up loving both design and fashion. ”

Nina Yashar, owner of the influential Milan-based gallery Nilufar and promoter of future design stars, chose Federico, starting a collaboration with him in 2016 exposing his lamps and coffee tables of stone and brass. Yashar usually attracts the beauty of the subject, rather than its functionality. However, Federico is good at combining both this and that. For example, his chaise lounge is surrounded by shelves for a laptop and books. There is even a special shelf attached to it in order to keep the iPad upright. “His idea is that if you lay down, you would no longer have to twitch,” says the designer.

Only after graduating from the European Institute of Design in Milan under the program “Interior Design”, Federico Peri (born 1983) received a grant to study in Paris. Returning to Milan, he worked with Vudafieri Saverino Partners, and in 2011 he founded his own studio. His customers include companies like FontanaArte. “Work for him is a way to create a new experience with the help of materials or the environment that the objects themselves form. This instinctive process makes Federico especially interesting on the Italian stage, ”says Luce Nichetto about Federico Peri Peru.

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