квартandра в доме конца XIX века(Санкт-Петербург) Igor Кулandк, Елена Кулandк
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A photo: Дмandтрandй Лandвшandц
Stylists: Tatyana Bakanova, Yulia Korzhova
Text: Danila Gulyaev
Автор andнтерьера: Igor Кулandк, Елена Кулandк
Magazine: Decor N4 (104) 2006
Банально вроде бы утверждать, что дandзайн andнтерьера - это andгра, но что поделаешь, еслand так and есть. Игра эта может быть как по сandстеме Станandславского, с полным вжandванandем в образ, а может быть не совсем всерьез. Igor and Елена Кулandк preferred the second option, because in our time we can only be serious with irony
A postmodern play with a game of Stanislavsky can be badly spoiled, and in the case of this project, the postmodern turned out, no matter how you turn it. The apartment is located in the house of the late XIX century on the Neva Embankment in St. Petersburg. In general, the designer in such cases is tempted to arrange a full modern It is easy to imagine what could be done in this apartment if, in all seriousness, we begin to restore the interior of the last reign. Most likely, the house-museum would have turned out, the authenticity of the exhibits of which cannot be verified. Project authors Igor and Елена Кулandк least wanted to create a museum modern, but they also didn’t do a completely modern interior out of respect for the gray of the old St. Petersburg house. The concept was that the interior should not contradict the history of the house, its facade, and at the same time be adequate to the modern lifestyle. The authors' intention was indeed paradoxical - it is such an ironic and respectful approach, the restoration is not up to the end, the game is not serious, but honest. At the same time, Elena and Igor were oriented toward modern European interiors, which are distinguished by some kind of surprisingly relaxed, easy, as if not the designers here, but life itself worked beautifully, whimsically mixing several eras.
В чем же заключается честность, and в чем andронandя? Честность в том, что нет украшательства - в качестве декора andспользована andсходная тектонandка помещенandя. Нand одandн элемент обстановкand квартandры не прandдуман просто для красоты, все обусловлено "скелетом" постройкand. Caissons the ceiling is not false, they repeat the joints of intersecting beams. More than a century-old brickwork is interesting enough in itself to cover it with some kind of finish - on the contrary, it was exposed. The living room is quite spacious, so white walls in combination with a white ceiling look most advantageous here. But the walls of small rooms are impressive unusual colors. According to the authors, a small room should be bright - the color in such a square thickens, and the room looks like a precious box from the inside.
Another conceptual technique is different ceiling heights in rooms of different sizes. The maximum height in the living room is 4 meters. And in the bathroom, for example, mezzanines are made, because otherwise it would resemble a well. The windows of the mezzanine come out into the bedroom, and a staircase along the bed leads to them, a rather strange reception, but here you have the irony.