Children's room design for a boy

Designing a child's room is a fascinating business, but very important! After all, the nursery is not only a functional room, designed for sleeping, dressing, studying and other useful activities. This is a small child’s own world where he can play, dream, communicate with friends, be creative. This article contains tips on room design for boys of different ages. 

The content of the article
  • The choice of design, depending on the age of the boy
    • 1-3 years
    • 3-5 years
    • 7-8 years
    • 10-12 years
    • Room design for a teenage boy
  • The interior of the room, depending on its area
    • 11-12 square meters
    • | 13-15 square meters
    • |15 sq m and more
  • How to choose the style of the interior for the children's room
    • Modern
    • Classic
    • Great thing
    • Minimalism
    • Nautical | style
  • Furniture in the boy's room
    • Bed
    • Table
    • Cupboard
  • Wallpaper selection
  • Curtains in the nursery: solutions
  • How to choose a good ceiling design
  • How to design a room for two boys
  • How to design a room for heterosexual children
  • Children's room in Khrushchev

The choice of design, depending on the age of the boy

Age is the most important criterion in choosing a design of a child's room. It is clear that the bedroom of a two-year-old baby will differ significantly from the bedroom of a 14-year-old. 

1-3 years

  • Bright hues
  • Bright accents
  • Mandatory "field" for games
  • Feeling of comfort
  • Safe furniture

These items should be observed and implemented when creating a design room for the baby. A child of this age does not have well-formed interests and preferences, so the room should not be arranged in any particular subject. The main thing that the child was comfortable in his room. To do this, it must contain your favorite toys, a comfortable bed, a place to play (thick soft pad). Particular attention should be paid to the safety of furniture. 

 Rounded corners, the rejection of the high bed, commensurate with the child table and chair, shelves with toys at the level of hands - pay maximum attention to these moments.

Photo design room for a boy 1-3 years old

Photo of a children's room for a boy

3-5 years

At this age, the child begins to show individuality. And yet this age in pedagogy is called “magical years from 3 to 5”. The child is active, inquisitive. He has a thousand interests and activities. It is necessary to take this into account when designing the room of the boy and thinking through its filling. If the area of ​​the room allows - you can install any gymnastic devices (wall bars, rope, rings).

At this age, children express themselves a lot creatively. Be sure to create the conditions for practicing drawing and modeling. 

The main thing is to remember that at this age the boy spends most of the time in the game mode. It is from this that one should make a start when designing a room for a child of 3-5 years old.

Photo of a children's room for a boy 3-5 years

Photo of a children's room for a boy 3-5 years

Photo of a children's room for a boy 3-5 years

7-8 years

This age can be called transitional. The child still willingly spends all his free time in games and other favorite activities, but at the same time he already has certain responsibilities. These include “doing homework” (doing homework from school). Therefore, an important point in the design of a room for a boy of 7-8 years should be zoning. Do not mix the game zone with the training zone together. Ideally - the game part of the room should be clearly separated. This will help the child to understand the saying "Time is business, but fun is the hour."  

Photo of a children's room for a boy of 7-8 years old

Photo of a children's room for a boy of 7-8 years old

10-12 years

At this age, almost every boy has his own character (character from the film, athlete, animated hero, etc.). You can successfully use this in the design of a room for a child. The main thing is not to “overdo it”, otherwise the room will “crush” with an obsessive theme and the child will quickly get tired of the once beloved character. Does the boy like spiderman? Place a thematic image on one wall (it can be printed on special wallpapers), add 2-3 objects stylized on the subject to the interior - and it's done. In the case of a change in the interests of the boy, it will be possible to “painlessly” adapt the general appearance of the room to a new hobby (simply by gluing, for example, the wall with the past hero and changing the thematic paraphernalia). Read also about the design of the room for a girl of 10-12 years.

Photo of a children's room for a boy of 10-12 years old

Photo of a children's room for a boy of 10-12 years old

Room design for a teenage boy

The older the child, the more developed as a person. Quite clear views on life have already been formed, interests have been defined, a circle of contacts has been chosen. 

When choosing a room design for a teenage boy, be sure to consider his own wishes! 

Perhaps most of the room will have to equip a sports area (many boys in their teens begin to show interest in the sport). Or take part of the room for a certain boy’s hobby (drawing, modeling, music).

Do not forget about the correct furniture for sleeping and training sessions. Adolescence is the time of rapid growth and the formation of the organism. An ergonomic desk (and the right chair), a bed with a good mattress - you should pay close attention to the selection of this furniture.

Photo of a children's room for a boy-подростка

Photo of a children's room for a boy-подростка

Read also about how to choose a room design for a teenage girl.

The interior of the room, depending on its area

11-12 square meters

A relatively small room space allows you to place in it only the most necessary furniture. If this room is intended for a boy of preschool age - you can abandon the desk in favor of saving space for games. With the same purpose, you can use shallow lockers for clothes and toys (a large depth can visually "eat" the room).

If the child is a schoolboy, you should think about such an option as furniture-transformer. For example, a loft bed will be enjoyed by almost any boy and will help save room space. 

Room for a boy 11-12 meters

 13-15 square meters

This number of square meters allows you to take into account all the needs of the child according to his age. The area allows you to organize a special playing area, separated from the sleep area. Meanwhile, you should not get involved in the transformation of each meter into useful mode and leave plenty of space in the room. 

Room for a boy 13-15 meters

 15 sq m and more

A large room is an opportunity to translate any fantasy of its tenant into reality. If a boy is interested in exploring the cosmos - the room can be decorated in the appropriate style (which cannot be adequately implemented in a small room). The same goes for any other hobby. For the lover of physical education, you can design a sports area, a young geographer to please a large bookcase and a world map in the whole wall. 

Big room for a boy

How to choose the style of the interior for the children's room


When choosing this style for the design of a child's room, it is necessary to take into account the important points:

  • Age boy
  • Addictions and interests of the child
  • Room area

The modern style of the room can be a good choice if you do not observe its canons in a “pure form”. Dilute the interior with details indicating that this room is CHILDREN. For example, bright drawings of a child, decorated in a stylish frame, perfectly combine the two contexts (modern-direction and children's themes). As an option - you can think of a "roll call" of interior items, if they have a specifically childish purpose. The combination of the pattern on the bedspread and curtains will look quite modern, even if there are bears or kittens there.

It is important not to overload the room with an abundance of toys if there is a desire to observe the modern style. It is worth considering the option of a closed cabinet for storage. 

Room for a boy in modern style

Room for a boy. Art Nouveau style


A good option if the baby is still small and can not express their preferences. Furniture should choose simple and durable. Subsequently, the style of the room can be transformed into a different one, replacing some interior details. 

Be sure to change the look of the nursery from time to time. This helps the child to develop creative skills and the ability to fantasize.

The colors for the decoration of the room in the classical style is better to choose "warm." Refrain from blue, purple. Pale green, beige, muted orange - these are the most successful colors for the “boy classics”. The room should be calm in design, which has not only to the games, but also to a comfortable rest.

Room for a boy in a classic style

Room for a boy, classic style

Great thing

A style suitable for fidget boys, dreamers. If your child loves change, high-tech style is the best way to help meet his changing preferences. After all, this stylistic direction has a peculiarity - easily transforming furniture and rich bright colors.

An important condition for the implementation of design in the style of hi-tech - free space. This can be achieved with the help of convenient compact furniture.

Hi-tech room for a boy


The name of the style speaks for itself. A minimum of detail, only functional and concise pieces of furniture, ease of design in general. 

Best of all, this style will suit a teenage boy (after all, the time for toys, lots of cars and designers is over, it's time for other interests).

It was during the transitional age that almost every boy has his idol, a certain example to follow. To express such interest, the walls of the room are best left empty so that the child can decorate them with posters, posters according to his hobby. 

The main principle in the design of the room in the style of minimalism - is the ability to express themselves to its tenant independently. Think over and embody only the main points of the design of the room, the boy will come up with the rest if he wishes. After all, teenagers have a lot of hobbies! The room will quickly fill with objects that embody the boy's interests (game console, music system, sports equipment - all this needs a lot of space).

Room for a boy in the style of minimalism

Room for a boy, minimalism style

Sea style

This is a very popular style for decorating a boy’s room. You can use all colors reminiscent of the sea: beige, white, blue, yellow, golden, turquoise, azure, blue, red. These are very good colors for the design of the nursery. 

Deciding on the choice of colors, determine the main one for the beginning (which will be most in the design), and select the rest for it. 

The main finishing material for a room in a nautical style is wood. The floor can be covered with floorboard (this will be associated with the deck). The walls can be upholstered with wood panels (then the room will resemble a cabin).

Мебель в такую комнату нужно подбирать соответствующую. Обычный стол, кровать и шкаф могут своим видом перечеркнуть всю морскую тематику комнаты. Bed можно изготовить по индивидуальному заказу (такую, чтобы она напоминала, например, лодку). Table е должен иметь вид современного, лучше подойдет дощатый, несколько грубоватый стол из натурального дерева.

Room for a boy in a nautical style

Room for a boy, marine style

Room for a boy, marine style

Furniture in the boy's room

Choosing furniture in the boy's room, you need to rely on such factors:

  • Child's age
  • Room size
  • Estimated room functionality (bedroom, playroom, bedroom / playroom / study room)

Having decided on the necessary set of furniture, you should try to choose the most optimal variant of each item.

Boy room furniture


The first thing you need to pay attention to is the comfort of the bed. It should not be too high or too low. It is good when there is a spacious drawer at the bottom (you can fold a pillow and a blanket in the morning and send a blanket or blanket for the night). The mattress must be of good quality (orthopedic as an option), because for a growing organism it is important to maintain the correct position of the spine during sleep.

Bed in the boy's room

Bed in the boy's room


Here, convenience still comes first. A low table will cause the child to assume an unnatural and uncomfortable position of the body, and too high will force the child to climb up. Proportionality is the main rule when choosing a table. For a little boy, you can choose a light plastic kit from the table and chair, which, if desired, can be easily rearranged to different places. An older boy needs a more solid desk, convenient for school assignments. The teenager will certainly want to have not just a desk, but a “hybrid” of writing and computer.

Table в комнате мальчика

Table в комнате мальчика


If we are talking about choosing a closet for a child from 0 to 4 years old, then you can safely focus on your own convenience. At this age, the child does not fully dress up on his own, his parents take care of his daily toilet.

An older boy can already determine what to wear. Accordingly, the older the child, the more comfortable the closet should be. 

Cupboard в комнате мальчика

Cupboard в комнате мальчика

Wallpaper selection

There is a well-defined list of criteria that should be followed when choosing a wallpaper in the boy's room. If you stick to it, then the final version will please and will not make you regret the choice made.

Wallpaper in the boy's room

What you need to navigate when choosing wallpaper in the room of the child
ColourColour обоев – это своего рода фон среды обитания хозяина помещения. В первую очередь нужно учитывать предпочтения ребенка (если его возраст позволяет четко выражать пожелания). Также цвет должен соответствовать стилю комнаты и быть совместимым с понятием «детская комната» в принципе.
Environmental friendliness A private room is the room in which the child usually spends the most time at home. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the safety of all materials used for the repair, including wallpaper.
PriceThe most expensive is not always the best. Try to find the best balance between the concepts of "price" and "quality."
Child's ageA very young boy is unlikely to be comfortable living in a room with too bright walls. The time of saturated colors, cartoon characters in the entire wall, airplanes, ships and cars comes later, from 7-8 years. Teenager fit neutral shades.

Wallpaper for boy's room

Curtains in the nursery: solutions

Making a window in the nursery is a matter if not paramount, but not unimportant. Curtains should be

  • Comfortable
  • Easy
  • Matching the overall style of the room
  • Safe in construction

Remember - even when choosing curtains you need to think about the health of the child. The curtains should be light enough not to collect a lot of dust in the folds, but also dense enough to ensure a good night's sleep for the boy (this is especially true if night lights shine through the windows).

It is important that the curtains are easy to handle for the child himself, and not just for adults. The boy should be able to manage them independently in order to be able to regulate the flow of light from the windows during the day or to shut the windows at night before going to bed.

Curtains in the boy's room

Curtains in the boy's room

How to choose a good ceiling design

Undoubtedly, the design of the ceiling should fit into the overall style of the room. Nevertheless, simplicity - the best solution in the design of the ceiling for the nursery. Complex multi-tiered designs or fancy chandeliers are hardly suitable for a boy's room.

It is likely that the general appearance of the room will have to change quite soon (the tastes of a growing child can change very quickly!), And altering the ceiling can be a big concern. 

An important point in the design of the ceiling is a well-planned room lighting.

A separate topic, if you decide to implement the individual project of the nursery for your boy. Then the ceiling can be one of the most striking elements in the design of the room. And you can dream here endlessly!

See more photos of ceilings.

Ceiling design in the boy's room

Ceiling design in the boy's room

How to design a room for two boys

The first landmark for planning such a room is its area.

 If the room is small, you should think about a bunk bed, one desk (in any case, a double ergonomic table will take less space than two separate ones). The wardrobe is also better to install one for two, dividing shelves for clothes between the brothers.

The basic rule that boys will have to adhere to in this case is the sharing of almost all pieces of furniture. Simply put - everything will be common, for two. The individual zones can be attributed only the beds of boys and separate shelves for books and trifles.

Another option is if the room is large. Then it can be designed so that each of the boys has its own individual part of the room. And if the brothers do not mind, then everything can be shared. Then the room can be divided into zones (sleep area, play area, sports area).

More details about the design of the room for two boys.

Room for two boys

Design room for two boys

Design room for two boys

How to design a room for heterosexual children

The very first thing you need to adhere to in the design of a room for a boy and a girl is its proper separation. And this is not about cutting square meters for each child. It is more expedient to divide the room into zones, and not “according to children”. This will allow you to successfully implement a single style of the room.

See more photos of the children's room for the girl.

The sleeping area can be played in calm, soft tones, adhering to the destination zone (sleep and rest). The game part of the room can be decorated brightly and colorfully. The study area should be so designed so that children do not get distracted during classes. 

It is important to know! If children have a sufficiently large difference in age (or are addicted to radically different hobbies) - it is better not to put their beds next to each other. 

Indeed, in a common room, a bed is a kind of personal corner, the only private space in the whole room. It is necessary to give children the opportunity to relax from each other, leaving for their sleeping area.

Bedroom for children of different sexes

Shared room for a boy and a girl

Shared room for a boy and a girl

Children's room in Khrushchev

Modest footage (usually 7-8 square meters) and a narrow elongated room - the characteristic features of most bedrooms in the Khrushchev. You can add low ceilings to the list of inconveniences. All this together makes the room at first glance hopelessly cramped with any design. But all these nuances can be successfully beaten (with flowers, minimalism in the choice of furniture, good lighting).

It is obvious that the colors for such a room should be chosen light. This applies to wallpaper, ceiling, flooring and furniture.

 In the overall design, you can include several bright spots in the form of decorative details of the interior, so that the room does not look too simple and expressionless.

The furniture should be functional and small in size.

Children's room in Khrushchev

Read our article on choosing furniture for the nursery.