Baby strollers

Stroller for babies: tips on choosing, advantages and disadvantages, photos of the best models.

The content of the article
  • General criteria for choosing a stroller for a newborn
  • Classic коляска-люлька
  • Transformer stroller
  • Universal Stroller
    • 2 in 1
    • 3 in 1
  • Tricycle коляска
  • Stroller for twins

Young parents are inexperienced buyers in the market of children's goods. And for all advertising tinsel is very difficult to choose not what you sell, but what is really necessary. And since the prices for children's products are very, very high, unfortunately, only some families can afford to afford several cots for newborns in search of the ideal option. Most have to use what they bought. To avoid disappointment, pay attention to our advice.

A lot of changes in the house are connected with the appearance of the baby: it is necessary to equip the children's bedroom, buy a new furniture designed specifically for babies, and choose high-quality clothes for newborns. But for the healthy development of the child at any age and in any weather requires walks in the fresh air. In addition, newborn babies who fall asleep badly at home are willing to sleep on the street, so why miss such a good opportunity?

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Stroller from 0 to 6 months - 1

Stroller from 0 to 6 months - 2

Stroller from 0 to 6 months - 3

Stroller from 0 to 6 months - 4

Stroller from 0 to 6 months - 5

General criteria for choosing a stroller for a newborn

1. Very hard bottom. To facilitate the process of childbirth, nature created the skeleton of a newborn in such a way that most of it is not bones, but cartilage. Subsequently, they grow together and become strong bones, but in the first months of life they are very fragile. To avoid mixing joints during the walk, the bottom of the stroller should be as hard as possible.

Later, when the child’s skeleton becomes stronger and the baby learns to sit on its own, the bottom stiffness is not so fundamental. But for newborns, especially if you buy a universal carriage or a transformer, this moment is crucial.

2. The seat of the newborn should be as high as possible from the road. On the one hand, the baby has weak eyesight, and the closer he is to his mother, the better he sees her and the calmer he behaves. On the other - and more importantly - the high placement of the baby will protect it from dust, which swirls along the road while driving, all kinds of sprays, fumes. In addition, it is important for winter and early spring, when the earth is still cold and the closer to it, the greater the likelihood that the baby will freeze.

3. A very important point is how smoothly the stroller moves. It depends on two points:

  • The presence of recessors that absorb movement during ascents, descents, turns
  • Wheel quality and size

If in the first case it all depends on whether the manufacturer installed shock absorbers on the stroller, then here are the wheels to choose - you personally determine when you shop.

First, the wheels come in different sizes.

Small wheels are good to use on high-quality asphalt roads in the warm season. They are lightweight compact, so the stroller for newborns with such wheels is not heavy and maneuverable.

Big wheels - the ideal decision for a countryside and a cold season. Due to the width of the wheels, they easily pass through mud puddles, they move well in the snow. However, these wheels are heavy enough, so this stroller is hardly suitable for a high-rise building with a broken elevator.

Secondly, rubber inflatable wheels possess the best depreciation. But they often have to be repaired or changed, as the quality of cameras on wheels for baby carriages leaves much to be desired. In addition, they are very heavy carriage. Plastic wheels drive hard enough, so the smallest pebbles will shake the entire carriage. It makes sense to acquire such wheels only if you and your baby will walk in the nearest park and do not plan to race in unpaved places.

Read: Children's furniture.

The wheels of special foamed rubber are considered the highest quality today. They are durable, well absorbed and at the same time light and maneuverable.

The presence of swivel wheels will greatly facilitate the movement of the stroller and make it smoother.

4. Sleeping baby, even taking into account the fact that the child is very tiny, should not be narrow. Considered normal width of 32-35 centimeters.

In the winter season, a child should be placed in the cradle, his winter clothes and, preferably, a duvet. In this case, all this should not be wedged and tightly tamped - the child should be able to move. Otherwise, blood circulation will be difficult and more likely that the baby will freeze.

5. The choice of a stroller for a newborn directly depends on what time of year the walks will occur. In the spring and summer, the place for the baby should be well ventilated so that it does not overheat. In autumn and winter - on the contrary, it is maximally insulated and protected from penetrating winds, rains and snowfall.

6. If you get a stroller for all three years, she must have a flip handle, since the baby during the first months of life has a need to constantly be in contact (at least visual) with the mother. Moreover, in the future, such a pen will allow you to walk against the wind or brightly blessed rays of the sun without risk to the health and comfort of your baby.

7. Passable stroller. The coolest stroller with a bunch of bells and whistles will be absolutely useless if the mother can not independently go outside with her, without help. The stroller should be easily placed in the elevator in the unfolded form, because the right to keep the child and the collected stroller at the same time you are unlikely to succeed. In addition, the doorway of the elevator, as a rule, a little bit of the cab itself, therefore the distance between the extreme points of the wheels should be slightly less than the distance between the elevators open doors. The standard distance is 64 centimeters, but in old elevators it can be somewhat less. Therefore, before buying, just in case, measure it with a tape measure or a measuring tape.

An important detail in the duration of the use of the stroller is what its fastenings are made of. Plastic mounts break faster and more often than metal.

Strollers for newborn babies - 1

Strollers for newborn babies - 2

Strollers for newborn babies - 3

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Strollers for newborn babies - 5

Strollers for newborn babies - 6

Strollers for the little ones - 1

Strollers for the little ones - 2

Strollers for the little ones - 3

In addition to the above requirements, you can also add desirable little things in the stroller of the newborn, which will make motherhood and care for your baby a little easier.

1. Weight. If the stroller is lightweight, it is more maneuverable. In addition, it will greatly facilitate the ascents to the clinic or shops. After all, even if the entrances are equipped with a ramp - the weight of the stroller will have to be dragged forward and up.

Remember that for the first six months the baby doesn’t weigh much, but if you have a universal carriage, then as you use it, the baby’s weight will be added to its weight.

Stroller type and weight


12-15 kg


13-22 kg


12-16 kg


8-13 kg

2. Brakes are critical for the safe movement of a baby at any age and on any vehicle. Make sure that it is on your chosen model of the stroller (this is indicated in the catalog). It will be more convenient if it is manual (located on the handle of the stroller).

3. Deep visor. Protect the sleeping baby from the weather.

4. Pendulum mechanism. Automatic motion sickness, without making efforts on the part of the mother, is an excellent addition: it allows you to rock the baby even at the moment when it became necessary to stop for a while (for example, waiting for a turn to the doctor). Also read about the use of the pendulum mechanism in cribs.

5. Removable fabric elements. Will allow you to maintain the purity of the stroller at any time of the year.

6. Removable cradle or special bag-carrying will make the life of a small miracle more mobile. It can be used in the event that there is no opportunity to go in a wheelchair - for example, during a trip to the grandmother, a trip to the doctor or just a family outing.

If it is possible to hang a removable cradle on strong straps to the ceiling, then you can get a great hanging cradle for a small one.

Classic коляска-люлька

Classic strollers for newborns are a cradle on a wheelbase. They can fold (otherwise they are simply inconvenient to be transported), however, they are not intended for permanent folding by and large.

Advantages of using classic strollers for newborns:

  • Orthopedic hard bottom, ideal for the smallest skeleton
  • High arrangement of a berth of the kid
  • The high sides of the bassinet provide maximum protection for the child against environmental influences (heavy rain, piercing wind, bright sunshine)
  • This stroller can be used instead of the cradle


  • The stroller does not involve frequent folding (only if absolutely necessary for transportation)
  • Heavy enough
  • Limited maneuverability

Stroller for a newborn (classic) - 1

Stroller for a newborn (classic) - 2

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Stroller for a newborn (classic) - 4

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Stroller for a newborn (classic) - 6

Stroller-cradle - 1

Stroller-cradle - 2

Stroller-cradle - 3

Stroller-cradle - 4

Stroller-cradle - 5

Transformer stroller

The stroller, which is transformed - today one of the most popular and popular types of strollers.

The main advantages of using transformer strollers for newborns:

  • This stroller has many features.
  • It can be used after six months.
  • The kit includes a lot of all kinds of accessories and accessories.
  • Designed for frequent folding.
  • It has high traffic


  • Big weight
  • Cumbersome
  • Requires regular replacement of cameras in wheels
  • Big sizes

On the Internet, you can easily find the ranking of the best Transformers for newborn babies.

Transformer stroller - 1

Transformer stroller - 2

Transformer stroller - 3

Transforming carriage - 4

Transforming stroller - 5

Transformer-коляска для новорожденных - 1

Transformer stroller for newborns - 2

Transformer stroller for newborns - 3

Transformer stroller for newborns - 4

Transformer stroller for newborns - 5

Universal Stroller

The name of these strollers received due to the fact that it can be used at any age. However, unlike the transformers, such wheelchairs have several removable blocks - for different ages.

2 in 1

The kit of this type of universal stroller includes two units - for newborns and for children from six months (walking unit). In principle, when the cradle is installed on the chassis, the pram fully possesses all the qualities of a classic cradle:

  • Characteristics are fully consistent with the needs of the newborn.
  • The portable cradle can be used to transport the baby where the stroller does not pass
  • The kit includes many add-ons.


  • High price
  • Space required to store all units.
  • The carriage will be sold only after you completely stop using it, but because of the deterioration of the wheels, the cost will have to be reduced several times in comparison with the original one.

3 in 1

Universal Stroller 3 in 1, помимо таких же блоков, как и в коляске 2 in 1, дополнительно укомплектована автомобильным креслом (смотрите фото). Это очень важный момент для тех, кто постоянно ездит на автомобиле.

Advantages of using a stroller 3 in 1 for a newborn:

  • No need to separately buy a child seat for a car
  • Multifunctionality


  • High price
  • Space required to store all units.

Universal Stroller - 1 

Universal Stroller - 2

Universal Stroller - 3

Universal Stroller - 4

Universal Stroller - 5

Universal Stroller 3 in 1 - 1 

Universal Stroller 3 in 1 - 2

Universal Stroller 3 in 1 - 3

Universal Stroller 3 in 1 - 4

Universal Stroller 3 in 1 - 5

Tricycle коляска

A stroller with one front wheel instead of two has the following advantages:

  • Very maneuverable
  • Compact
  • Easy


  • High price
  • Calls in only on solid ramps
  • Some models are unstable

Tricycle коляска для новорожденных - 1 

Tricycle коляска для новорожденных -2

Tricycle коляска для новорожденных -3

Tricycle коляска для новорожденных -4

Tricycle коляска для новорожденных -5

Tricycle коляска от 0 до 6 месяцев - 1

Tricycle коляска от 0 до 6 месяцев - 2

Tricycle коляска от 0 до 6 месяцев - 3

Three-wheeled carriage from 0 to 6 months - 4

Three-wheeled carriage from 0 to 6 months - 5

Stroller for twins


  • Mom independently and simultaneously walks with two children


  • Transportation requires a freight elevator or additional assistance for carrying children.
  • Heavy
  • Very high cost

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Stroller for two newborns - 1

Stroller for two newborns - 2

Stroller for two newborns - 3

Stroller for two newborns - 4

Stroller for two newborns - 5

Be prepared for the fact that with age, regardless of whether you have a boy or a girl, the baby, looking at the mums with strollers passing by, really wants a toy doll carriage for himself. This is normal (even for a boy)! In addition, it helps to develop coordination of movements.