Furniture company Edra - items that can be perceived as contemporary art. Edra symbolizes originality and surprise, the balance on the verge of what is permitted. In the asset of the legendary brand made in Italy - many masterpieces of genuine Italian artist, designer and sculptor Jacopo Foggini (Jacopo Foggini).
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Cветящееся кресло Alice Якопо Фоджини придумал в 2011. Оно сделано из легкого полупрозрачного поликарбоната и может быть использовано в любых интерьерах, на открытых верандах, в парках и садах. Fluorescent green, blue, yellow and fuchsia - a rich palette is enhanced by the internal LED-backlit. Модель названа в честь героини произведений Льюиса Кэррола.

“I made the Alice chair for the Edra in Wonderland collection. Of course, I wanted to convey a sense of fairy-tale reality that Alice felt when she was in Wonderland, ”says Foggini.“ I want to quote Victor Hugo: “There is a view wider than the sky, and this is the space of the soul.” An idea is born in the soul and goes through different stages in design. ”

• Armchairs Edra can be purchased in Moscow, in the salon Maxlevel.