Peat toilets to give

Peat toiletЛето — прекрасная пора. Многие любят проводить это время года на даче. Чтобы отдых не омрачался ненужными неудобствами и проблемами, очень важно иметь такое устройство, как туалет. Однако не все сооружения сегодня способны устроить отдыхающих. TO этому месту предъявляются такие элементарные требования, как минимальный запах, удобство, приемлемый внешний вид, простота в обслуживании, доступная цена. Among всех предлагаемых вариантов стоит присмотреться к торфяному туалету.


  • 1 Peat toilet - what is it?
  • 2 Installation and maintenance of the peat toilet
  • 3 Overview of some models
  • 4 User Reviews of Peat Toilets

Peat toilet - what is it?

Peat toiletFrom an environmental point of view, this is really dry closet. Его наполнитель сделан на основе торфа без химических добавок, и позже полученная смесь будет отличным удобрением. С виду торфяной туалет напоминает простой унитаз. В его конструкции имеются две емкости: верхняя — для наполнителя, нижняя — контейнер для отходов. При вращении специальной ручки наполнитель попадает через dispenser в контейнер и покрывает отходы. Для смыва отходов воду не используют. Для утилизации отходов рекомендуется иметь специальную яму, в которой они могут перерабатываться год — два. После этого полученные удобрения можно использовать на участке.

TOонечно, у подобного устройства есть свои плюсы и минусы.

Among merits usually mark:

  • Possibility of installation on the street or indoors in the presence of drainage and ventilation.
  • TOомпактность.
  • The container can be emptied less frequently (1 to 3 times per season).
  • Receiving material for filler (compost) during operation.
  • Economical consumables.
  • Does not need constant operating costs.
  • Converts waste to compost (fertilizer).
  • Attractive prices.

TO disadvantages peat toilets include:

  • The need to install drainage and ventilation. In this case, there are features in the installation of the exhaust pipe: its length should be about 3-4 meters, you may need to install a fan, there should be no right angles so that there is no smell inside.
  • In severe cold, the filler may freeze, which means installing such a toilet is better in a heated room (if you plan to use it in the winter).
  • По размерам он крупнее, чем обычный dry closet.

Toilet facilityHaving stopped the choice on the peat toilet, it is important to pay attention to some details:

  1. Material. It is desirable that it was a cold-resistant plastic.
  2. In some models, it does not work correctly dispenser. However, this problem can only be identified by use.
  3. To protect against flies is necessary pressure cap and a special valve in the ventilation pipe.
  4. Tray size must meet the needs, but not be too small or too large.

Installation and maintenance of the peat toilet

To install a bio-toilet, follow the simple instructions:

  1. Run the ventilation pipe to the street, either through the roof or through the wall of the house.
  2. Remove the drain hose into the gutter.
  3. In the upper compartment of the toilet pour peat.
  4. Screw the toilet to the floor.

Peat toilet installationWhen using peat toilets must be respected. technological requirements, properly handle the device to prevent odors, use sanitary liquid or filler (peat filler is poured gradually). Sanitary fluid should be poured in accordance with the technological requirements in the right quantities.

In our market you can find models of Russian and foreign manufacturers. Among domestic models - “Elite” (LLC “Tandem”), “Lux M” (LLC “Magistarl”). Among the foreign ones are the Swedish company Biolet, the Finnish company EuroMakki, Gree Toilet, Biolan and others.

Popular among buyers Russian and Finnish toilets. Finnish toilets compared to Russian have some advantages:

  • Externally, the equipment is more attractive.
  • The capacity of the tank is higher (for Russian - up to 120, for Finnish - from 110 liters).
  • There is good ventilation. The kit includes a pipe, Shlag and vane.
  • Foam seats, not plastic. They are comfortable and convenient.

That is, if you are interested environmental friendliness, convenience, aestheticsthen you should pay attention to the Finnish toilets.

Overview of some models

Piteco 505. Особенности: имеет продуманную систему отвода жидких отходов, съемный накопитель. TOонтейнер опорожняется без передвижения туалета и демонтажа дренажного шланга. Дренажное отверстие имеет фильтр против засорения, закрывающийся автоматически при поднятии контейнера. Есть труба вентиляции и усовершенствованная система разбрасывания торфа. Размеры — 71×39×59 см. Цена — примерно 5700 рублей.

Duomatic. 160 liter tank. Features: has two storage tanks, good ventilation system. Made of cold-resistant materials. There is a drainage system, ventilation. Dimensions - 90 × 78 × 87 cm. Price - about 42,000 rubles.

PeatPeat Capacity - 110 liters. This is an analogue of the Finnish toilet Ekomatic. Made by Finnish technology and from Finnish materials. The price is about 17,000 rubles.

Term. Toilet capacity - 230 l. Features: has a roomy tank, a warm seat, an additional insulating layer that prevents the freezing of waste. Price - about 28,500 rubles.

Ekomatic. Tank capacity - 110 l. Features: warm seat, adjustable ventilation, rubber gasket on the roof, peat supply mechanism. Dimensions - 78 × 60 × 51 cm. Price - 18,000 rubles.

User reviews on peat toilets

TOомпостным туалетом «Экоматик» пользуюсь уже два сезона. Обошелся он с доставкой примерно в 20 thousand rubles. It looks like a big toilet, just a mixture of water and peat instead of water. The fluid is discharged with a hose at the bottom and behind the toilet bowl. The free end of the hose is buried in the ground. Effective ventilation system. I cleaned the device with a shovel. The mixture is dark, odorless - peat. Carved out with a wheelbarrow.

При правильной установке никаких проблем с туалетом не будет. Главное его meritsо — environmental friendliness.

Svetlana Yuryevna, 01.30.2012

We use a peat bio-toilet Piteco 505. Installed in the house without any problems. They took the pipe vertically, fixed the drainage hose with a fumlenty and took it to the canister. We have been using it for three months, we have emptied it once in 15 minutes easily. Everyone is happy.

Oksana, 16.07.2014