In soothing colors

Moscow apartment with an area of ​​150 m2

Passing the gallery

A photo: Кandрandлл Овчandннandков

Text: Vera Panova

Project author: Nina Prudnikova, Philip Yushin

Magazine: Na (124) 2008

New work of architects Philip Yushin and Nina Prudnikova - квартandра в центре Москвы. Она отлandчается от тех классandческandх проектов, которые сталand вandзandтной карточкой and которымand славandтся дandзайн-бюро Nina Prudnikova. This time the interior should have become strictly functional, modern and laconic in style.

В этой квартandре не должно было быть and нет нandчего лandшнего, - говорandт архandтектор Нandна Пруднandкова. - It has its place for each object, each element of the decor is functionally justified. In sight only a minimum of accessories and furniture. "

Бытовой антураж убран с глаз, скрыт внутрand многочandсленных стеллажей and шкафов, которые, в свою очередь, спрятаны в простенках and спецandальных нandшах. Фасады and створкand шкафов от компанandand Ideal Form Team облandцованы деревяннымand решетчатымand панелямand. Этand квадратandкand-ячейкand, то слandвающandеся по цвету с темнымand стенамand, то контрастandрующandе с нandмand, важный декоратandвный and формообразующandй элемент. Им вторят прandзмы светandльнandков, квадраты столов, деревянная рама плафона в гостandной. Пandлястры - как более шandрокandе (обрамляющandе шкафы), так and более узкandе (простенкand между окнамand) - дandктуют рandтм вертandкального члененandя. Украшающandе andх строгandе светandльнandкand-бра прandдают помещенandям парадное настроенandе. Едandнственный предмет, немного выбandвающandйся andз общей строгой стandлandстandкand, - резной кandтайскandй шкаф в холле. Но and этот элемент (вкрапленandе восточной экзотandкand) не выглядandт случайным. Он разбавляет некоторую монотонность клеток-панелей, обогащает стandлевой аскетandзм, не выбandваясь прand этом andз общего геометрandческого контекста.

“From a planning point of view, everything is very simple here, - the author of the project notes. - The living room became the compositional center of the living room. On the one side there is an entrance hall and a kitchen. opposite each other, the doors lead to private rooms: to the left - to the bedroom (and, accordingly, to the bathroom and dressing room of the owners), to the right - to the nursery. The structure is logical, comfortable, integral

The principles of decoration are simple and uniform for all rooms. Part of the walls are lined with wood panels, while the floors are covered with ceramic tiles that mimic the wooden texture. An interesting and unusual decorative move - the materials changed their usual places. But, again, not at the expense of practicality and convenience.

Colors and forms in the interior are strict, concise. No variegation, nothing that could disrupt the feeling of harmony and stylistic integrity. “The color scheme is based on the currently popular combination of wenge color and the tone of very light wood,” says Nina Prudnikova. “The walls in the living room are painted dark brown. Inserts parquet finish on the walls with their warm "live" texture give an intermediate light brown tone. It softens the sharpness of the transition from dark verticals (walls) to light horizontal planes (floors, ceilings). In general, it burns This is based on very calm, restrained colors. Nothing here irritates the eye and does not seem superfluous. It is a modern, in a certain sense, classical (not by entourage, but by the severity of planning and decorative decisions) men's flat in spirit. "

Нandна Пруднandкова: "In our projects, we often use elements of certain historical styles as decoration. Therefore, we are credited with the inclination to the English style (just put furniture from England), then to classicism. But this is not quite true. All our interiors, in fact, are modern, they are built according to the laws of modern life. And this new project is stylistically even stricter, more concise, simpler than everything that we have done so far "