Technologies are constantly evolving and each country has its own ways of building houses, adapted to certain conditions. Our main task is the construction of warm houses. Therefore, facade thermopanels, which have been popular for a long time in the West, began to be used here, in Russia. And in this article we will talk about them, as well as what advantages they have.
What is a facade thermopanel with clinker tiles?
This is a versatile and very popular material for finishing the facade of a building, consists of two layers: the outer one is a clinker plate, and the inner one is insulated. In the role of insulation is usually polyurethane foam. A clinker plate plays the role of scenery, however, this plate has very good characteristics. On this basis, this panel has very high quality and properties. Durable, light weight and thickness, plastic, and most importantly has excellent thermal insulation and moisture resistance.
||Front Thermopanels-->Front Thermopanels
- First, because of the weight and size, it is easy to work with these panels.
- Secondly, since thermopanels have excellent thermal insulation properties, they are excellent substitutes for huge heavy concrete slabs. Thanks to the panels, you can build a thin, but durable and warm building.
- Another important advantage of facade thermopanels is that they remain in their original form for a very long time, do not allow ultraviolet radiation, and can withstand different temperatures and strong winds. For example, in Germany, front panels do not deteriorate and are not susceptible to corrosion for centuries, while practically retaining their original appearance.
- Front panels can be installed and built buildings from them at any time of the year. And the construction will take only a few weeks.
- Of course, it should be noted that the facade thermopanels are absolutely eco-friendly.
Based on all the above, we can say that the facade panels are undoubtedly suitable for building houses in our conditions. This is a modern, relatively inexpensive and practical material, which without doubt will justify its value during construction.