Dry closet for home: the principle of operation and video

How to choose a dry closet for homeBeing engaged in beautification of dacha, many owners at some point think about creating a toilet. And today there are many options available: along with the usual cesspool, you can choose a modern compost toilet, which in recent years has become increasingly popular. This construction will be devoted to this article.


  • 1 What is a compost toilet?
  • 2 Compost toilets
  • 3 Peat bio-toilet
  • 4 Liquid toilet
  • 5 electric toilet
    • 5.1 pros
    • 5.2 Minuses
  • 6 How to choose a dry closet to give?
  • 7 Pros and cons
  • 8 Conclusion

What is a compost toilet?

Modern dry closets для дачи можно классифицировать на два типа:

  • portable;
  • stationary.

First distinguished by their mobility, which makes it convenient to use them. As for the second, it is presented in the form of a stationary cassette dry closet, the design of which provides for two parts. At the bottom is a container for the accumulation of waste. Sawdust, peat and other fine particulate substances can be used as an active component that provides waste disposal. For this option, the presence of microflora is mandatory, without which the process of decomposition of waste is impossible.

Compost toilets

The proposed toilets of this type can be divided into the following types:

  • liquid;
  • peat;
  • electric.

The first type is considered the most budget. In addition to the low price, interest in it is associated with a fairly simple installation and the possibility of choosing any place in the house for it.

Peat dry closets can be used only if there is a specially equipped room: for its operation obligatory drainage pipe or the ability to ensure its withdrawal. It must be connected to the drain hole, which will receive liquid waste. In addition, in such a room it is necessary to provide additional ventilation in order to be able to remove gases resulting from the interaction of peat with waste.

Evaluating each of the above options, it can be noted that the peat bio-toilet is the most simple to maintain, since the need for its cleaning is quite rare. This is largely facilitated by a sufficiently large storage tank, the volume of which is about 40 liters. The design of the tank is such that the maximum removal of moisture is ensured, which allows pressing of waste, and this increases the space for new batches. Care should be taken to ensure the presence of a bowl with a safety valve. At that moment, when the level of faeces in the sewage pit exceeds a critical level, such an element will prevent the outflow of liquid waste.

Peat dry closet

Types of dry closetsEven before the start of operation of such a construction, it is first necessary to prepare it, and for this raw materials are poured into the tank. Peat here plays the role of water, which provides waste management, with the result that they become fertilizer. A layer of filler is laid on the bottom, and at that moment, when the feces are there, they interact with the contents of the container, turning into compost later. If you add to this mixture of soil, you can get a good fertilizer for garden crops.

Even before the owner is determined with the most optimal option of a dry closet for giving, it will not hurt him to get acquainted with the features of the maintenance of this design. For normal operation, the peat toilet must be cleaned at least once a month, while for efficient waste disposal, it is necessary to spend about 1 kg of mix on 10 liters of water.

Knowledge of the working principle of this toilet will also be useful: at the initial stage, waste is divided into solid and liquid fractions. A drain is provided to remove excess moisture. Although in the process of installing the toilet and have to deal with the withdrawal of the hose, still this option deserves attention for the reason that the cost of purchasing filler is low and later it turns into natural fertilizer. This toilet is recommended to be placed in an open area.


  • as a result of using the toilet, it is possible to obtain natural composting material;
  • the need to clean the toilet is quite rare.


  • requires a drainage device;
  • the need to create a ventilation system;
  • the design does not provide for a flush system and storage tank compartment;
  • difficulties associated with cleaning.

People who chose peat toilets are completely satisfied with the work of this design. The fact is that in the winter to the pit does not freeze through. True, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the pipe for the removal of liquid fractions. It is necessary to monitor its condition, because there is a threat of pipe clogging.

Liquid toilet

How does a dry closetAs a septic tank for giving, you can choose a biochemical toilet. In its design can distinguish the upper and lower parts. On top of this, in addition to a container with a lid, is a pump and a seat. Bottom is reserved space for the filler with a valve and pipe. Waste is disposed of. through the use of chemicals. In the process of exposure to solid feces, they ensure their destruction and prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. The similar option of a dry closet can be established not only in the building, but also beyond its limits. To start using such a toilet, you must first fill the lower section with sanitary means, and the upper one - with deodorizing.

The use of chemical waste can lead to the death of plants grown by the summer resident on the site. For this reason, manufacturers have proposed an alternative in the form of ammonium based additives. Using such fertilizers, you can be sure that this does not harm the environment. Before proceeding with the installation of such a dry closet to give, it will not hurt to acquire instructions for its use.

Dry closets of this type are very popular among many owners of dacha plots. According to them, liquid biotoilets generate enough heat, do not create problems in the installation and are similar in appearance to ordinary toilet bowls, which are installed in city apartments.

Electric toilet

The principle of operation of dry closetsSuch dry closets are the most high-tech version of a septic tank for gardening, which determines their highest price. Its design can be divided into two sections, which provide for the separation of solid and liquid wastes. Installation of such a dry closet is possible only in the presence of electricity, since without it the compressor provided by the design will not be able to work.

In the process of the device of dry closets of this type, you need to take care of the device drainage system removal of liquid fractions. The ventilation system is also obligatory, due to which unpleasant smells will be removed and the dry surface of the dry closet maintained. An electric toilet is easier to maintain, as it does not require the use of a variety of additives and mixtures.

No more than thirty minutes is required for the compressor to be able to dry toilet paper and feces, after which they will wait in the wings in a container that is built into the housing.

At the right time, dry waste is removed from the stockpile, and then it is placed in the compost.

During the installation of an electric toilet one of the important issues that needs to be decided: which option is better to choose for the device of the ventilation system - through the roof or wall.

The least difficulty arises if the ventilation pipe, for which a diameter of 75 mm is sufficient, will be led out through the wall.

If the owner made a decision to install a septic tank next to the front wall, then in this case it is advisable to bring the ventilation through the roof. Dry closets of this type today offered by manufacturers from 12 countries. All of them are sold at different prices and have a different design, but this does not affect the principle of their work. To be sure that the electric bio-toilet for the garden will suit you in all respects, it will be useful to first get acquainted with its advantages and disadvantages.


The main advantages of thisElectric composting toilets are:

  • the cleaning process takes a minimum of time and does not require much effort;
  • in its execution such a toilet is no different from the usual urban toilet.


Among the shortcomings are the following:

  • electricity is required for work;
  • In the process of installing the toilet in the room, it is necessary to take care not only of the electricity supply, but also of the drainage and ventilation system.

If owners who decide to live in a country house all year round are faced with the necessity of choosing a dry closet, then most often they prefer this option. They explain their decision by the fact that it is very convenient to use such a dry toilet, and its cleaning takes a minimum of time.

How to choose a dry closet to give?

What dry closet to chooseNot every dacha owner who is interested in purchasing a compost toilet can say which option suits him the first time. To minimize the risk of error, a number of factors must be considered.

Even before choosing a toilet for the house, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics.

Optimally, if he has capacity more than 21 liters. This volume will be enough for 50 swabs.

As active substances for flushing use sanitary compounds that effectively eliminate odors. For these purposes, the proposed composition of blue or green. It makes sense to use green compounds when there is no sewage system at the dacha. Special bacteria are present in such products, so that after processing the waste becomes safe and can be poured directly onto the ground.

Blue liquids are most common for maintenance of sewage treatment plants. They are distinguished by a rather aggressive composition, therefore it is not recommended to pour them on the ground. Sewage treatment is carried out with this mixture.

Advantages and disadvantages

Speaking generally about dry closets, it is possible note their number of advantages:

  • due to the small size of the bio-toilet does not create problems with transportation;
  • mobility simplifies the procedure of their installation and dismantling;
  • no unpleasant odors occur during use;
  • no maintenance problems;
  • low price.

To find out what problems you may encounter after purchasing a dry closet for your home, it is also helpful familiarize yourself with their shortcomings:

  • if the toilet is purchased for a large family, then you need to prepare for frequent replacement of the lower tank;
  • installation of such structures can be made only in areas where a positive temperature is maintained;
  • in the process of using such toilets, men may experience certain discomfort caused by the absence of certain elements.

Most often, after purchasing a dry closet, the owner of the dacha does not feel disappointed about the decision made. First of all, the similar construction will be appreciated in those families where people with disabilities live. Having such an invention at hand, people with disabilities will be able to cope with their natural needs much more easily. The bio-toilet will be a good solution for the dacha area, where work on its improvement has only recently begun.


Types of dry closets для дачInstalling a toilet is one of the important issues that must be resolved by the owner of the dacha. And today there is an opportunity to use for these purposes not only the traditional design, but also to choose more advanced options, among which the dry closet is quite popular.

Modern dry closets presented on sale in a wide variety and differ from each other not only by cost, but also by their capabilities. Naturally, each of them has its pros and cons, which must be considered before purchasing. It depends on how convenient it will be to use it and what the costs of maintaining a dry closet will be.