Nadia zernjan

The new art director of the company Georg Jensen talks about how she understands luxury and what is in common between airport design and wrist watches.

Passing the gallery

Interview prepared: Olga Korotkova

Magazine: N4 (104) 2006

Надя Зернян, the new art director of the company Georg Jensentells how she understands luxury and what is common between airport design and wrist watches

Two years ago the company GEORG JENSEN turned a hundred years. During these hundred years of silver affairs, the factory has done a lot of beautiful things for the house. Such from which during the twentieth century, our country managed to break the habit and in the XXI century begins to get used again. Finally, silver jugs, fruit vases, saucepans and glasses, special butter knives, caviar spoons, and fish forks began to appear in our homes in everyday life.

SALON: How long have you been in this company and what did you do before?

 “I’ve been here quite recently, since June, there’sn’t a year yet.” Before that, she worked in New York for CALVIN KLEIN. There I was engaged mainly in the design of watches and jewelry. Therefore, the leaders GEORG JENSEN I was there and "found." And even earlier I was engaged in design of ladies' accessories - handbags and the like.

S: How do you work in Europe after moving from America?

 - I come from Vienna, I grew up there, I studied there in a very famous art school. After receiving my diploma, I had an internship with famous designers for another two years. For example, Ron Arada. I was very lucky that I received an invitation to Copenhagen. This is a brand with a history, with traditions. Here they are amazingly able to work with silver.

S: When did you hear about GEORG JENSEN?

 - Once my mother decided to buy a watch and took me to the store. Then the throwing began: to buy - not to buy, too expensive! .. In short, I was exhausted. I say, buy, and stop suffering! In the end, she never bought them. And that Christmas passed for a mom without a watch. The clock was from GEORG JENSENI still remember them. And so began the story of my relationship with this company ...

Actually, I was a strange teenager. I used to go around design shops, galleries, museums, adore watching airport buildings - this was especially fascinating for me. In principle, if you are interested in design, it does not matter whether you perceive the airport or wristwatch as a design fact.

S: What word can be used to describe modern trends in design?

 - Luxury. People now prefer expensive luxury items. But what is important: luxury does not speak the language of gold or silver, luxury nowadays speaks the language of design. This is a revolution in the understanding of luxury.