Designers reversed the evolution and return to the days of Homo habilis, a skilled man. Only nowadays, not tools, but objects of collection design, make crafts from boulders and koryag.

Material prepared: Marina Volkova
A photo: press services
Magazine: №10 (231) 2017
1. Vases by Martin Azua, Numbered
Spanish designer Martin Azua designs unusual items in eco-style and sells them under his own brand Numbered. In particular, in his collection there are vases of unbaked clay. In the process of work, a cobblestone is put on top of the still not frozen material, the clay sags under it, due to which a bend of the vase edge is formed. The stone, in fact, is also part of the finished composition, sold with it.
Designer Martin Azua, Numbered
Designer Martin Azua, Numbered
2. Ginko Leaf Green Carpet
Ginko Carpet produces Moooi Carpets, formed two years ago by a division of the Dutch brand Moooi. The design of the carpet also belongs to the Dutchman Edward van Vlit. With the precision of a naturalist, he reproduced an image of the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba, “paving” them all the canvas of the carpet. In Japan, this tree is considered a symbol of longevity and overcoming. The carpet is available in four possible colors.
Designer Edward Van Vliet, Moooi Carpets