Things gray

Text: Olga Korotkova
Magazine: N10 (132) 2008
The English writer and historian Chesterton wrote: "People who are not versed in the weather call a gray day colorless. This is not so. It's a shame to hear about" gray, same days. "One can say with the same right" green, identical trees. "One day gray is like steel, the other is like a pigeon wing; one is reminiscent of frost, the other is of warm smoke from a kitchen pipe. That color is also called colorless. "
The love for gray (as well as for brown) has always been distinguished by English culture, sophisticated and aristocratic. Ancient people dressed either very brightly or faded, but by no means gray! In the Middle Ages, gray appeared in costume only as a supplement. It was the British who gave the gray noble sound and unlimited rights. The European civilization quickly learned respect for it and gave the gray palette poetic names: "pink ash", "color of a frightened mouse", "Navarinsky ashes", "gray-feathers" (pearl-gray) ... Avant-garde gray with black splashes was named "Marengo color "(according to the name of the area where residents wore homespun clothes of that color). Grizet gray fabric with a small floral pattern. Over time, the girls who trimmed themselves and wore outfits from this affordable fabric, became known as grisettes. And now such fabrics are in the arsenal of the most luxurious brands.
What is in a suit, that in the interior gray has the status of a representative color. At the same time it is soft, non-binding, it can easily play the role of both background and accent.