Париж. Январская выставка аксессуаров для дома Maison&Objet.
Passing the gallery
Text: Angelina Vin
A photo: Vitaly Nefedov
Magazine: N5 (72) 2003
Объемные арабески на подушках, светильники с перьями, переливающийся хрусталь, симпатичные вазочки, крохотная фарфоровая посуда, роскошные ткани с утонченной вышивкой, множество очаровательных безделушек - все это январская выставка аксессуаров Maison&Objet-2003 в Париже. Зачем они нужны, да еще в таком количестве? Стоят ли за ними фикции и трюки дизайнеров, желающих во что бы то ни стало поделиться материальными плодами своего воображения? Или эти предметы действительно необходимы? Ответ прост: эти милые вещи притягивают в большей степени благодаря нашей эмоциональной восприимчивости, чем их эргономике или практичности Not so long ago minimalism dominated design and architecture unconditionally. The person sought to push the boundaries of the interior in different ways: by using empty space, monochrome, simple functional forms and appropriate materials (for example, glass for making walls and ceilings). The thirst for discovery of new and new spaces was unquenchable. Now travels are still popular, but the boom was asleep. And in design, the opposite trend develops: the whole universe has become associated with a small thing ... The emphasis from the design of the object is transferred to the decor - the "inner form, soul" of the thing. Now it is important that it was not only pleasant to be near the object, but also to be able to touch it, take it in hand. New collections of accessories reflect the new trend: they demonstrate its features and ways of realization. Thus, the subtle decorator and artist Alice Redey (Alice Reydellet) explores different techniques of painting and uses the techniques of exotic cultures (for example, Morocco) in a modern interpretation. She invents decor for pillows, screens, wall panels. In addition, she creates jewelry for Haute Couture dresses for the brand CHRISTIAN LACROIX. "I try to give the texture of the fabric immateriality, vagueness and transparency. And I combine the visual effects of interlacing threads, fragments of painting, appliqué fabrics, sequins and embroidery in the decor," explains Alice. Cebuan de La Rochette, like Alice Redey, is inspired by rare, unique objects designed for specific people, in this case the decor is dictated by passionate temperament. Her new collection of napkins and tablecloths, pillows and curtains is made of organza and silk. The peculiarity of accessories is that they are voluminous due to additional elements (laid on corrugated tape) or textile texture (fabrics, sewn in several layers and representing origami). "The whole world is in the details!" - Australian decorator Megan Park from MEGAN PARK is absolutely confident. Her spring collection of clothes and home accessories used floral ornament, lush and sophisticated. It is applied with the help of elegant embroidery and Japanese beads. Along with traditional materials such as glass, textiles, beads and others, decorators use innovative materials. One of them is soft glossy plastic paper (Crystal paper). It seems that it glows from the inside, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. However, it does not contain dyes, but only reflects light, breaking all colors across the spectrum. The decorator Geraldine Gonzalez (Geraldine Gonzalez) makes sculptures for the interior and fixtures from plastic paper, combining it with transparent beads and rhinestones. So, sensuality, provocative nature and attractiveness of the desired objects turn them into fetishes, without which we can not do in our daily life. And now addiction to small things only increases the tendency to fetishization.