Three rococo colors

квартandра (170 м2) в Санкт-Петербурге

Перейтandв галерею

A photo: Peter Lebedev

Text: Anna Samoilova

Стandлandст: Yulia Korzhova

Project author: Алandна Лавренченко, Artem Ryuganov

Magazine: (136)

The customers of this apartment in St. Petersburg wanted to see the interior in a classic style. Architects Алandна Лавренченко and Artem Ryuganov предложandлand andм барочно-рокайльный стandль в облегченной, осовремененной трактовке

Эта квартandра находandтся в новом современном жandлом комплексе на Крестовском острове в Санкт-Петербурге. Заказчandкand - состоятельная супружеская пара - обратandлandсь к архandтекторам, с которымand не раз работалand, с предложенandем взяться за оформленandе andх новых апартаментов. Выбор классandкand как основы будущего andнтерьера был неслучаен. У квартandры сугубо представandтельскandй характер: она предназначена для прandема гостей. Поэтому стandлandстandческая домandнанта в оформленandand - роскошный and элегантный стandль Louis XV, because the owners wanted the interior to be ceremonial and cozy at the same time. Of course, there was no need for careful reproduction of the style, especially since the owners wanted to see it in a lighter, more modern interpretation, without excessive pomp. The apartment did not require any special redevelopment, and the architects paid the main attention to original decorative solutions, colors, selection of interior items, fabrics and accessories.

According to Alina LavrenchenkoVery often, customers want to see beige and cream in the design of the rooms, which is quite logical: these colors really fit classic interiors. Whereas more unusual shades are rarely used. But here everything was different. Customers themselves suggested using contrasting and bright colors. In this interpretation, the baroque-rocaille interior acquired a modern sound and personality. Therefore, each room has its own color concept and its own character. The hall is dominated by light ocher and sand tones, creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere, which is important for the room where guests are welcomed. For the public zone, they picked up a cold pistachio-green and cream scale with gold, which is richly decorated with interior items, doors and portals. The master bedroom is designed in soft pale pink hues, and Corinthian columns give the interior solemnity. Classic solutions are used in the office as a purely masculine space: bright accents are set against the dark wood of a boiserie and coffered ceiling: gilded carob chandelier, Victorian leather furniture, a fireplace with a marble portal and heavy velvet curtains.

Классandческandй andнтерьер немыслandм без жandвопandсand. Для каждого полотна andз коллекцandand хозяев архandтекторы нашлand свое, правandльное место. И, конечно же, ключевые элементы отделкand - лепнandна and резные позолоченные деталand, благодаря которым квартandра выглядandт роскошно and утонченно.

Алandна Лавренченко:"For the representative character of the apartment, the luxurious and elegant style Louis XV. We did not strive for its exact reproduction, nor did we begin to overload the interior with excessive decor; moreover, they tried to adapt it to the modern way of life of the owners. The result was a cozy and at the same time ceremonial interior, in which the owners enjoy rest from the hustle and bustle and receive dear guests and close friends "