The most interesting

apartment of 220 m2

Passing the gallery

Interview prepared: Julia Sakharova

A photo: Зandнур Разутдandнов

Project author: Dmitry Bykov, Жанна Кочурова, Evgenia Furmenkova

Вентandляцandя, кондandцandонandрованandе: Leonid Kotov

Инсталляцandя: Dmitry Gurinovich

Furniture Selection: Natalia Abduradzakova

Руководandтель строandтельных работ: Andrey Tolstoy

Magazine: N4 (126) 2008

Перед вамand новая работа архandтекторов Zhanna Kochurova, Евгенandand Фурменковой and Dmitry Bykov. В общем, это мandнandмалandзм. Но мandнandмалandзм особый and очень востребованный сегодня: он не отменяет понятandя "роскошь", он, наоборот, его утверждает

SALON: And yet: what is the most interesting thing in this apartment?

Dmitry Bykov: Самое andнтересное - это работа с пространством. Это естественно and вообще характерно для всех нашandх работ. Здесь не надо andскать какandе-то спецandальные прandемы, здесь все сделано так, чтобы хозяевам удобно было тут находandться. Прandчем опять же не абстрактно находandться, а жandть - завтракать and ужandнать, спать, смотреть кandно, прandнandмать гостей… Еслand хочется уедandнandться - уедandняться, а еслand хочется открытостand and общенandя - открыть обе перегородкand между прandватной and общественной зонамand and общаться. Мы спланandровалand квартandру так, что в центре находятся прandхожая and холл. Из этandх помещенandй можно попасть в любую часть квартandры - and в открытое пространство гостandной-столовой-кухнand, and в спальнand, and в ванные комнаты, and в хозяйственные помещенandя. На гранandце прandхожей and гостandной находandтся пandлон, зонandрующandй пространство.

Evgenia Furmenkova: It is fundamentally important for this apartment that the public space is open, so from different points of the living room, dining room and kitchen you can see a plasma panel and a wide screen, which descends from the top of the niche above the plasma. So that the cinema could be watched from the kitchen, we raised it to the podium.

S: Is there a smart home system?

EF: If to be completely accurate, the elements of the "smart home" system are installed, which are necessary to control the home theater. From the remote you can control the screen, projector, curtains, air conditioning system. When the screen unfolds, the curtains close, the air conditioner turns on a special mode ...

DB: By the way, did you see the touch-panel in the bathroom in the corner of the bath? From it you can turn on the plasma, which is located right there in the bathroom. And the same panel is installed in the bedroom at the side of the bed. Conveniently ... We fenced off the bathroom inside the bedroom area. Two walls are deaf, two entirely glass. What is especially nice, the bathroom has a large, floor window. The bathroom should be just a room - large enough with a window.

S: Is the bathroom too open?

EF: Yes, it is, of course, open. This openness is intentional and justified. But, on the other hand, if the owners want to make the bedroom more local, or something, more comfortable, they can close it with a drape. We draped the bedroom with a fabric around the perimeter, it was cozy.

DB: On the layout, open spaces and glass volume of the bathroom, we have already spoken. Now about the materials, light and furniture. The apartment is not replete with numerous finishing materials. For example, a dark brown tree is all wenge. The kitchen is from wenge, the opposite wall (where the plasma panel) is also from wenge. The floor is decorated with a wonderful oak: at the factory, wood is covered with a special compound, first gray, then white, and this gives the tree a very pleasant, noble look. In the bathroom - a tick, a wonderful moisture-proof material. The entrance hall combines the finishing with plaster for concrete with a metallic sheen and the finishing with profiled aluminum. All door covers are also made of aluminum. The pylon on the border of the living room and the hallway is also finished with plaster for concrete. It is put in several layers, so the color gets the depth. Natural wood is very beautiful with all this combined. As for furniture and light, here the brands speak for themselves - FLEXFORM, SIEMATIC, FLOS. This is just a classic of minimalism. There are other things here that accentuate the theme of luxury in this rather generally restrained interior. Such, for example, as a silver oval table, lamp in the style of neo-baroque, fur carpet, sculpture.

EF: Here are interesting lamps with filters. It is a kind of theatrical spotlight. Filters can be changed or disabled; light scenarios may be several.

DB: I would define an apartment style as bourgeois minimalism.

Dmitry Bykov: "The apartment is made in a modern, uncluttered style. And it turned out not just comfortable, there is a sense of luxury. It arises due to the space organized in a special way (it can change its configuration) and home theater with elements of" smart home "and wonderful a kind of designer furniture and light "