restaurant "El Gauchito"

Interior photos: Dmitry Livshits
Interview prepared: Oksana Kashenko
Leading headings: Nina Farizova
Portrait photo: Elizaveta Yakhno
Project author: Marina Levina
Architect: Nonna jester
Designer: Julia Kurepova
Magazine: N6 (161) 2011
«Эль Гаучито» в переводе с испанcкого - «Пастушок», - рассказывает автор проекта ресторатор Marina Levina. - Стиль нового ресторана можно определить как современная классика. Мы решили сделать его в черно-белой гамме. В отделке использовали костюмные ткани со знаменитым в истории моды узором pied de poule, который прославила Коко Шанель. Кресла напоминают мужские пиджаки с «заплатами» на локтях. Барная стойка и двери украшены коровьими шкурами». Меню нового ресторана преимущественно мясное, но есть, конечно, и свежие морепродукты, и рыбные блюда, и изысканные десерты. Хозяйка ресторана Marina Levina предлагает попробовать салаты «Асиенда» со шпинатом, листьями свеклы, инжиром, моцареллой с крем-бальзамиком, «Супрема де пато» с хамоном из утки и свежими ягодами, аргентинские пирожки «Эмпанадас» с курицей, мясом или крабами, суп из бычьих хвостов, суп «Пучеро» из мясной грудинки с тыквой, бататом и кукурузой и роскошный стейк из мраморной говядины.
Address: Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospect, 48, Vremena Goda Gallery, 3rd floor
Oksana Kashenko: Your chorus is incredibly popular, you go on stage almost 300 times a year, full halls everywhere, waiting for you everywhere, standing ovations everywhere. Your project “10 sopranos” proved to be fantastically successful. From the side it seems that all the tops have already been taken and you have nothing to strive for.
Michael Turetsky: While the artist is alive, there is creativity. And creativity is a constant search, constant work on yourself. There is no limit to perfection. You can't put an end to your creative work and say that you have already achieved everything. Because this work will end. You will not believe it, but during the entire existence of the choir, we practically did not have weekdays without rehearsals. We rehearse every day from two to eight hours, there is a concert or not. And it's good if we have one day off per week. But compared to Joseph Davydovich Kobzon, our authority, we are not the craziest workaholics. He told me that once in a day he had 11 concert outlets! And we have one or two every day.
OK.: It is believed that singing has a very positive effect on health.
M.T .: Singing? .. Well, yes, fluorography showed that I am fine. (Laughs.) But in fact, singing is first and foremost an outlet for positive emotions. If you sing well, you get high while singing, and there are not so many things in the world that you can do high. Singing, dancing, making love ... Neither jogging nor driving a car give such a feeling. But singing is a process of constant high and emotional lift.
OK.: How do you spend your free time?
M.T .: Well, if this happens, I try to do physical exercise, spend time with my friends, family, work with children - a little of everything, because there is not enough free time.
OK.: We have an interior edition, so I, of course, are interested in what style of interior you like. You have stayed in many hotels. What is close to you, and what is alien?
M.T .: You have correctly noted: the life of an artist, if he tours a lot, is such a variety of interior stories! At first I really liked the Art Deco style, then a bit of high tech, then I rejected high tech because I realized that it was impossible to live in it. Now neoclassical. I still do not accept this classic, because today it seems to me too pretentious.
OK.: Do you like eclecticism?
M.T .: Yes, I love, but in moderation. I believe that in order to create something worthy in the style of eclecticism, we need people who understand well what is combined with what. When they began to wear jeans with a tuxedo in Hollywood, it at first broke and seemed like no taste. But it all depends on how the jeans fit and what a tuxedo, how well it is fitted, how the trim elements are combined with sneakers and jeans. I love eclecticism, but taste is needed here. It is good that now there are many specialists who combine the incompatible. I love eclecticism in the interior, and in clothes, and in music. In music, by the way, eclecticism is also one of the most striking styles to date. Because if you combine seemingly incompatible pieces of music or arrangements, then it sounds more outrageous, and you find yourself in a win. Well, for creativity, there are many more possibilities.
OK.: Is the wife in charge of the house interior?
M.T .: Yes, wife. And, although I have somewhat different ideas about home interior, I am inferior to her. Because I know that if spouses quarrel during construction and repair works, this sometimes leads to a fiasco of family relations. Well, since I have been living in hotels for several months a year, where I myself choose the interior to my liking, here I decided to give in to my wife. She still spends more time at home than me. I would have done a little differently - more comfortable, and my wife wants more presentation; I have enough pathos on the stage, and she, apparently, like any hostess, wants such an interior to impress the guests so that there is something to look at and something to be surprised at. And despite the fact that I have my own point of view on the interior, I sincerely believe that what my wife did was done very talentedly and incredibly quickly: in two years the old house was demolished, a new one was built and furnished. She is great, she has a very good intuition.
OK.: You said that you yourself choose which hotels you live in. Do you really focus on the interior?
M.T .: Of course, I try to choose. After all, we tour around 100 cities a year with concerts: Berlin, London, Riga, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Tolyatti ... I know where we go . Compared with Europe, Russia can do little to surprise in terms of hotels. But here, I remember, in 2004, we gave concerts in Samara with Kobzon. Then the Renaissance Hotel struck us. Joseph Davydovich said that he didn’t see anything like that even abroad. Then, I remember, also in 2004 in Yekaterinburg, I liked the Atrium Palace, for the region it was a first-class hotel. There is even one good hotel in Izhevsk, one, but which one! They did not spare the money there!
OK.: Are you a frequent guest at El Gauchito?
M.T .: Here the situation has. black and white colors, style of finishing the room; I like that, wherever you cast your eyes, nothing breaks you, everything that is called is found. Interesting are the decoration, the furniture is aged, good chandeliers, good music ... And, of course, the most important thing here is the kitchen. Order my favorite dish somehow - stuffed fish, the last time I ate this in my youth. My father's sister cooked this Jewish dish amazingly! Then I never tried such fish anywhere. And today Marina Levina treats them in her Argentinean restaurant. I really do not know, maybe this dish is prepared only for my own? And my wife in El Gauchito likes the lamb tongues. She says that she ate them several years ago in America and nowhere did she try such tasty ones.
OK.: By tradition, the interview for this column we end with a question: what is luxury for you?
M.T .: Long slender legs, beautiful hair, wonderful brains - all this is luxury. The rest can be bought. Rolls-Royces, jeweler and others - this is not a luxury for me, I calmly relate to this But the talent and beauty sincerely admire