шоу-рум Виктории Гресь в Киеве Victoria Gres

A photo: Alexey Reydalov
Leading headings: Nina Farizova
Decorator: Victoria Gres
Magazine: N (98) 2005
The showroom of the famous clothing designer and designer Victoria Gres (Kiev, Proreznaya st., 25) is filled only with exclusive author's items, starting with furniture and ending with clothes and accessories. "to give new life to old things," says Victoria. "The interior is a continuation of my inner world, I try to make very feminine clothes and give warmth to the objects around it: aging old frames, restoring old dressers, mirrors, screens, embroidering pillows and curtains .. . "
The showroom area is only 42 square meters. m. In a small corridor that leads to a small room, now stand an old sofa, chest and console table. The room itself resembles a box in which you can find an old lawyer table, a ball gown, and even a grandmother’s silk cushion ...