What color is the vitamin of joy? The colors of green apple? Lemon yellow? Or maybe cherry?
Passing the gallery
Text: Maria
A photo: Mikhail Stepanov
Magazine: N4 (49) 2001
Cocktail "Vitamin" Have you ever wondered why soluble vitamin "C" of such a cheerful color? You throw an orange pill into a clear glass, fill it with water, and watching the exploding bubbles make you feel overwhelmed by happiness. It's spring ... Not the notorious vitamin deficiency, but the thirst for life ... Beauty salad You buy plates in the form of cabbage leaves, a ring with a “fruit” stone or a jacket in the color of sprouted onions, which means that spring has come. If it's April in the yard, and you still have winter in your soul, an excellent “recipe for happiness” comes in handy: mix green apple and celery juice in equal proportions and enjoy life!Cranberries in sugar What color is the vitamin of joy? Each has his own: the color of a green apple, lemon yellow or cherry, the main thing is that you stop noticing everything except this color, and the world without it seems gray ...