
Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat is a cape-resort on the French Riviera, between Nice and Monaco. Here they build villas and keep yachts. And designer Jean Myus creates magnificent gardens.

Passing the gallery

Magazine: N11 (188) 2013

Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat is a cape-resort on the French Riviera, between Nice and Monaco. Here they build villas and keep yachts. And designer Jean Myus creates magnificent gardens.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Somerset Maugham, Andrew Lloyd Weber, the Rothschilds, the Belgian kings - all these people are united in love for Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat. At one time, on this far-reaching cape there were only fishing villages, but now it is a fashionable, expensive resort. According to statistics, real estate prices are even higher here than on Fifth Avenue. The reasons are clear. First of all, this is a place of wondrous beauty: the cliffs, azure water, bright, lush vegetation descend to the shore with ledges. Secondly, the place is closed, secular (celebrities and modern Rothschilds do not advertise themselves).

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