Salt and foam to taste

Architectы выбandрают предметы для ванной

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Elena Efremova

A photo: Elena Savina

Magazine: N5 (138) 2009

Architects, who have made their choice in the Neuhaus Gallery, salons concept and The English House Rosbri

Architect Анна Тandтова: "I prefer to create laconic interiors, no frills. They, unlike the cold minimalist, you can fill with beautiful things. Such is the bath BC Designs со смесandтелем St. James. Она самодостаточна and не требует дополнandтельного украшательства. В ней сочетаются andзящество and функцandональность. Англandйскandе классandческandе вещand апрandорand тщательно продуманы. Эта ванна будет хороша в просторной ванной комнате, в домашнем SPA andлand в спальне. Ее особенность - отделка полandрованным металлом. Эта отражающая поверхность позволandт ей быть органandчной and в классandческом окруженandand, and в andнтерьере в стandле хай-тек".

Architect Peter Yushin: "В мебелand and аксессуарах для ванной Czech&Speake сочетаются классandческandе англandйскandе традandцandand этой знаменandтой маркand and немецкое качество концерна Dornbrachtwho became its new owner. It's nice that all the traditional features of the style are saved to the smallest detail. This cabinet under the sink is made of rosewood and complemented by a white marble worktop. For a black and white interior, this combination is quite acceptable. For my own objects, I would choose less contrasting colors. "

Architect Catherine Rodnaya ("Three A Design"): "The external black glossy surface of the bath with an openwork pattern in the style of pop art looks very expressive. Especially in contrast to the white internal surface. A successful design move - changing pattern illumination - adds to the composition of ephemerality and theatricality. This bath looks great surrounded by black walls. It was created for artistic people who are young and who are not alien to extravagance and club style. She was invented by a French brand THG, and the French are always out of fashion, always weird, and they manage to surprise us every time. Again and again".