apartment with a total area of 142.5 m2 Nadezhda Kryuchkova
Passing the gallery
A photo: Mikhail Stepanov
Text: Alexandra Shapiro
Architect: Nadezhda Kryuchkova
Magazine: (23) 1998
“It was supposed that this would be her husband’s office. - A person should have a place where he can sit without interference and smoke a pipe.” Somerset Maugham "Theater" In the apartment for one problem of secluded "smoking a pipe" does not exist: the entire living area is left to yourself, to your beloved. You can sit on it widely, as they say, royally. In relation to the apartment, which will be discussed, the expression "royally" has not only a figurative meaning. In the interior design designer Nadezhda Kryuchkova used elements of the styles of two French kings. For future magnificence, an area of 136.5 m was set aside.2. This space was formed by the merger of two-room and three-room apartments of the Stalinist house. Because of the rigid dictatorship of the bearing walls, it was not possible to "get away" from the original layout, only a few partitions were demolished. In addition, as the "legacy of the old regime" the owner of the apartment and, accordingly, the designer got a beam as much as sixty centimeters thick. It could neither be removed nor hidden. As one of the options was considered a timid proposal to hem all the ceilings, but with the initial three-meter height, this simply did not lift the hand. But as a result, "everything turned out fine." It was possible to beat the beam (about which we will tell a little later), and the location of the premises. The customer has become the owner of three living rooms - a bedroom, a living room, a guest room (the library), as well as a hallway, dressing room, kitchen and two bathrooms - personal, adjacent to the bedroom, and a guest room containing a boiler room and laundry room. Well, now, when the expulsion of the royal chambers is finished, we turn to "meuble", which translated from French (and when describing this apartment, it begins to flow like a river) means "furniture", furniture. BEDROOM. The customer wished to have a striking bedroom. And here the author's fantasy of Nadezhda Kryuchkova on the theme of the 18th century in France came to the fore. Indeed, the era of the decorative art of the night rooms reached its peak in terms of elegance, comfort and attention to personal convenience was taken as a model. “But I didn’t strive to reproduce the historical interior accurately. It was more important to think of a combination of lines, shapes, colors, create an image, mood. So a purely French chest of drawers and French curtains are in harmony, for example, with English-style wallpaper and engravings of the 18th century.” author. The atmosphere of the grand palace bedroom took place. Approaching on a wide Persian silk carpet to a wide Louis (Louis XV) style four-poster bed, you feel like the favorite of the monarch madame Pompadour. In that age, these sleeping designs were created with love and reverent attention to royal sleep and cupids. Lighting - almost candles: only sconces and table lamps. All the gold of the royal treasury is given to decorate the room: silk interior curtains, large double tassels, fringe on the lambrequin and cushions, a canopy and a large mirror frame, French heraldic lilies on the wallpaper and fabric bedding, painted on porcelain shine on them. And like a semitone - a little golden, restrained furniture gleaming in a light walnut, tinted oak parquet and bronze, handmade, overhead elements of a chest of drawers and bellied "bedside tables" near the bed. From the bedroom you can go to the equally luxurious bathroom with toilette. Here, as Madame du Chatelet used to say in the 18th century, "comfort, courtesy, and decency are everywhere." That is sufficient footage (about 14 m2), суперсовременная сантехника, персидский ковер и шелковая штора, надежно закрывающая окно. ГОСТИНАЯ. "Светская" часть дома зрительно поделена на две зоны - парадную столовую и более демократичную, почти современную гостиную с мягкой мебелью, телевизором и барной стойкой. Пространство бара "выстроила" уже упоминавшаяся выше балка. Ее "поддерживают" дорические колонны. После того, как с одной стороны потолок подшили ровно на толщину балки, в гостиной образовался своеобразный альков, где и разместился бар. Несмотря на малую площадь и высоту, он не кажется мрачным закутком, потому что в нем по одной линии "выстроились" арка с подсвеченными стеклянными полками, свободный вход на кухню и кухонное окно, "продолженное" балконом. Зону столовой Nadezhda Kryuchkova выполнила тоже в духе Louis, но уже XVI. Стулья с медальонными спинками и немного суховатыми, но преисполненными изящества ножками (исторической правды ради отметим, что стулья эти окружают бидермайерский обеденный стол), канделябры, замысловатые напольные часы... Накал лампочек в легкой стеклянной люстре можно регулировать, создавая эффект то мягкого, интимного, то парадного освещения. Достойный ансамбль люстре составляют хрустальные столик, полуколонна с вазой и ножки торшера и бра. Черно-коричневая полоска обивки стульев (в тон дивану и креслам гостиной зоны), полоски штор и обоев "работают" в одном ритме, сообщая помещению приподнятое, торжественное настроение - как степенный majordom (мажордом) с горделивой осанкой. Во Франции стиль, названный в честь этого короля, получил признание лишь во второй половине века XIX. Зато потом его популярность не умирала вплоть до первой мировой войны. И от Парижа до Вены и Нью-Йорка "Louis XVI" был принят в качестве официального стиля торжественных помещений. Эдакая своеобразная реабилитация аристократического вкуса после того, как Конвент объявил "мир хижинам, войну дворцам" и вынес приговор Людовику XVI... P. S. Все "французское" в квартире выполнено итальянскими мастерами.