The contents of grandmother's chests decayed at the dumps, the cooks went to run the state ... And at this very moment, people wanted to go back - to the comfort of a large, reliable, old house, which they had never seen Архитектор Dmitry Fedorov в целом доволен своей работой. Хотя обычные предпосылки архитекторской удачи изначально отсутствовали: не было безропотных хозяев, полностью доверяющих вкусу мастера, давило сопротивление материала (несущие колонны упорно "перекраивали" проект под себя, а пол, стены и потолки обескураживали неожиданными неровностями и провалами - порой, впрочем, подсказывая оригинальные пространственные решения). Тем не менее, хозяева оказались людьми тонкими и восприимчивыми. Запущенную коммуналку на втором этаже "сталинского" дома они мечтали превратить в современный, комфортабельный, и в то же время не чуждый традиционности интерьер, где будет хорошо и просторно и взрослым, и дочке, и гостям. Непременные условия: увеличение кухни за счет ванной комнаты, гостиной - за счет спальни. В одном из журналов увидели, как красиво отражается в зеркальном потолке белая с золотом кухня, - захотели подобную. Обилие аудио- и видеоаппаратуры потребовало специальной мебели. Из заграничных поездок навезли множество предметов обустройства жилья, от ковров до оригинальных светильников и керамики... Забегая вперед, скажем: все требования удалось выполнить, все идеи - связать и привести к гармоничной реализации. Возник новый мир, совершенно не похожий на прежний, вызывающий из глубин памяти видение идеализированного и обобщенного традиционного Дома. Будто многие поколения оставили там после себя любимые предметы, следы, воспоминания. - Я бы назвал это стилем английского дома, - ответил на наш вопрос архитектор Dmitry Fedorov. - Основательный быт, неслучайность появления каждой вещи. Современность соседствует со стариной, бережно хранимой, привносящей уют. Условность, театральная декорация? Отчасти. Элементы игры? Безусловно. Но эта игра делает жизнь удобнее и красивее.Entrance hall You open the front door - and the theater, as it should be, begins right from the hanger. Refined and strict (simple metal hooks on a wooden panel in green), it clearly echoes the wooden frame of the narrow mirror hanging directly opposite the entrance. And that, and more - exclusive, handmade. Italy. There are no other color accents in the hallway, it is sustained in a warm gamut, concise, light, spacious. Despite the multi-fold wardrobes on both sides. These cabinets contained everything: the outerwear and shoes of the owners, voluminous filters for water purification, endless household and perfumery little things, which usually clutter the corners and balconies. From the hallway there are two corridors: to the left - into the kitchen and living-dining room, to the right - into the nursery and the bedroom.Kitchen Two steps up - and we are in the kitchen. Snow-white furniture with gold-plated handles, modern equipment (a stove with electric firing and a cleaner, a large microwave oven, a waste chopper, a double fridge with an ice maker). Mirror ceiling, as expected, gives a feeling of height and airiness, while emphasizing the dazzling whiteness of the room. Here, on the kitchen podium, there is a small dining area. Fancy shaped table, white light chairs. This is quite enough for meals with your family.Living-dining room An elegant bar with a shelf for flowers above it, as well as a small difference in floor levels separate the kitchen from the living-dining room. After redevelopment is the largest room in the apartment. Unexpectedly revealed construction defects (floor slabs adjoin each other unevenly) suggested the idea to develop a room in two levels. So, by the window, in the lower tier, there is a long dining table with a glass top. The metal base of the table is unique, it is a copy of the exhibit of the Museum of Michelangelo. It was not easy to find suitable chairs. The proposed version of the architect - a modern design of ferrous metal - was at first shocked, but then was recognized as the most successful solution. The living room is a literal quote from modern English life. Soft carpet, solid chairs, a sofa of good dark green leather. Only instead of a fireplace is a stand for equipment: light wood, green Italian marble worktop. A large doll, bought at an exhibition in the Central House of Artists, occupied the niche that remained from the previous life of the interior. To get a better look at the doll, you can light the local lighting in the niche; the light in the whole apartment, and especially in the guest part, is thought out to the smallest details. With its help, individual areas of the room are emphasized (you can highlight the dining table, armchairs, and niches. The backlight inside the book wall snatches figurines, an old vase of bicolor glass. Perhaps, the chandelier has not yet taken its present place either - its fantasy appearance is not fully combined with the conservative setting of the living room. The interior does not freeze in a dead static, it lives, matures, has acquired melts new features. Is this not a sign that he is loved, that is good in it?Children's At first glance, this room attracts with its non-standard in everything, from color to configuration. The walls here are rather dark - blue, with large yellow stars stylized as a child's drawing (in fact, the walls are painted by the architect himself). I had to endure a real fight with the masters - convinced supporters of a light background. But then it became clear: the children succeeded. It intelligently combines sophistication and functionality. The furniture is matched "for growth": thanks to the large shelves and the abundance of surfaces, the nursery will easily turn into a schoolgirl's room. It is already known where in this case the computer will fall, where - the TV. The interior of the nursery is also solved on two levels: the lower part is the playroom, it will eventually become an office; the upper one is a small living room that turns into a bedroom for the night. The blue-golden scale (golden parquet, golden wood shelving; the blue tone of the walls, bedspreads, cabinets) is complemented by color splashes: turquoise sofa cushions, bright rug. The attentive observer will note: the curtains in the whole apartment are of the same design, but in different shades. In the living room - more restrained; here in the nursery, they are brighter and warmer.Bedroom The interior of the bedroom is played up a combination of muted green with pink. The wooden furniture is painted pink, the wrought-iron bed is green, everything else: a Chinese natural silk carpet, a chandelier, a floor lamp, a bedspread - one way or another combines the basic colors. Special thoughtfulness demanded the selection of tones for the walls. As a result, they turned out about the color of tea rose. Like the other rooms, the bedroom is divided in two. But in this case, this is achieved not by changing the floor level, but with the help of a glass wall, on the steps of which flower pots are the place to be. By the way, the owners do not recognize artificial plants, all the flowers in the house are natural. Stenochka separates from the main room a toilet room, where there is a dressing table and two chairs - handmade, like many other things in the apartment. Needless to say that with different lighting a bedroom can change before our eyes, acquiring something more intimate, sometimes business, or ceremonial features. And when the torch-floor lamp flashes with a mysterious golden light, time seems to be reversed, opening the way for magic dreams and ancient legends ...Bathrooms From fabulous charm back to the prose of life. There are two bathrooms in the apartment, and they (especially the big one, the master) are not only perfectly equipped, but also very elegantly designed by the architect. Dmitry Fedorov managed to solve two problems here: first, without exposing communications, to stretch them through half-apartments - from the kitchen; secondly, without creating crampedness, place on