Famous Italian decorator tells about himself in art and about art in himself

A photo: Dmitry Livshits
Interview prepared: Karina Chumakova
Magazine: N1 (112) 2007
SALON: Pierrot, tell me, please, when did you feel your belonging to art?
- Back in childhood. I started drawing very early, making small sculptures and all sorts of unusual things.
S: Are you an architect by education?
- Yes. In my youth, I worked at the European Institute of Design in Milan, taught set design and the art of theatrical costume. Probably, therefore, everything that I do to this day is somewhat theatrical. Or maybe because I'm still a child in my heart, and work for me is a game.
S: What inspires you?
- I would say that I find inspiration in the common memory of mankind. In my opinion, this is the most accurate definition. It can be a memory of everything connected with the world of childhood - about fairy tales, a circus, toys, a memory about everything amazing and exotic. For example, the German Wunderkammer (Kunstkamera) of the XVIII century was once created on the same principle - collections of amazing things, collections of toys for adults.
Looking at my work, it seems to you that you have already seen it once, but in fact these are images hidden somewhere deep in the subconscious. I manage to catch these images as they are, not only for me, but for many others. The only difference is that I wanted to fix and implement them, but others did not.
S: How do you explain the choice of materials for your work?
- I like different materials - marble, glass, metal. But the material is not the main thing. Most of all I work with companies that listen to me and give me a blank check, allowing me to do what I want. For example, for a new collection
S: What does your house look like? In which interior do you feel comfortable?
- The beginning of my life was spent at my parents' baroque villa. Then, in protest, I designed my room in the spirit of minimalism. Then, having moved to Milan, I turned my apartment into a fairy-tale house, Hansel and Gretel - everywhere there were toys, statues, sculptures. My current home is also a fairy tale ... This is the home of a man who flies. I removed all the walls, made holes in the ceiling: one - to see the second floor from below, another - to look from top to bottom. Unfortunately, after all these holes there is no room for furniture ... My apartment is a bit strange, unusual, it can change, the furniture in it is transformed. It has 18th century antiques, a giant bathroom in red, a Turkish bath, and the kitchen can turn into a bar a la Miami. I collected memories of my travels in it, because, in fact, I am a collector of memories.