Pierre Luigi Loro Pyana personally arranged in Burma for the supply of lotus, the stems of which are needed for fiber production. He managed to get an exclusive right to sell wool Peruvian vicunas. Australians and New Zealanders cut their merino for Loro Piana, while the Chinese and Mongols bring cashmere. The company proposes to use all these rarities as an interior decoration.

Magazine: N11 (177) 2012
LORO PIANA creates exquisite fabrics. Do you use new spinning technology for this?
- No, but we make such fabrics, which even at present times are difficult to manufacture. For example, we combine vegetable and animal fibers - cashmere and flax. It turns out breathable fabric, optimal for a country house or a yacht, but at the same time preserving all the softness of cashmere. We use it for draping walls, finishing furniture and accessories. In order to understand the limits of quality and support research in the field of creating woolen fabrics, in 2000 we organized a competition between suppliers from Australia and New Zealand. Australians won. They have created excellent wool, and we use it for suits that are custom tailored in limited quantities.
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