This office in St. Petersburg is located on the top floor of a business center. There are neither random items nor random stylistic techniques.

Text: Nina Farizova
A photo: Ivan Sorokin
Magazine: N11 (177) 2012
The interior of this office turned out to be light, saturated with air and light. Three zones - the workplace of the head, a small meeting room and a recreation area - in fact, a single, stylistically seasoned space. “I divided the entire volume into squares,” says Andrey Kuznetsov. “They set the scale of the room, structuring it and allowing for proper accents, while almost every wall segment is a storage system. The space of the non-functional balcony was combined with the total volume and the panoramic glazing was made, which added “air” to the room with rather low ceilings and significantly increased the area of the office. We have decorated the interior in white and black. In the finish - dark wood and lots of white glossy surfaces. LED lighting and daylight rays are reflected from the lacquer planes and create a special mood in the office. ”