The Hills restaurant in Krylatsky Hills is experiencing a second birth. After global reconstruction, this place promises to be one of the most visited in Moscow.

Leading headings: Nina Farizova
A photo: Sergey Petinov
Magazine: (185) 2013
Now there are two floors. One of them is a glass greenhouse, which in summertime is completely transformed into an open summer veranda. “We brought all the furniture, lights, accessories from different countries - Belgium, France, Spain,” says project author Maria Zhukova. - The interior was decorated with the famous painting by an unknown artist of the Fontainebleau school - “Gabriel d'Estre with her sister”, and at the entrance hung a painting by Henri Rousseau “The Dream” Most of the time we spent on the design of the extension of the winter garden - the additional Hills Hall. The fact that the restaurant could not do without this new space immediately became clear: today, most of the seats are occupied on summer verandas or in rooms with full glazing. It is always a pleasure to sit where there is a lot of sunshine. ” There is both a wood-burning stove and a grill on which meat, fish and seafood are cooked according to the original recipes of the chef.