The style of the European villa is actively developing. What does he live today? What is the sum of? Architect Irina Ostrovskaya answers our questions

Magazine: Decor N3 (191) 2014
Irina Ostrovskaya: “It is believed that the English style is eclectic. Strictly speaking, there is no English style at all. But we must pay tribute to the British: for several centuries they have selected with great taste all the best all over the world, so that later mankind would call it English style. It is considered that it is distinguished by a rich color palette. However, such interiors are in France. On the other hand, the French interior in our view is mostly monochrome, but this is also not the case or not always the case. fabrics with floral prints, tapestries and oriental carpets enliven him. At the same time, oriental carpets and tapestries gladly use the English interior. ”
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