Not in the meadow

restaurant "Parisien" in Moscow Dmitry Ratnikov

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Artist-decorator: Dmitry Ratnikov

Magazine: N5 (83) 2004

The only surviving building in 1876 on Khodynka in Moscow is the "Tsar's Pavilion", or, as they were called in common people, the "Tsar's Tea House". At the end of the XIX century, specifically for the imperial family, the railway was brought to the pavilion. In this building there was a chic restaurant, where the emperor himself dined. Now this institution is the French name "Parisien" (Leningradsky Prospect, 31). "Такое пространство должно быть максимально открытым, - говорит Dmitry Ratnikov, - тогда тяжелая классическая лепнина на потолке и стенах становится не вычурным и как бы вставным элементом, а, наоборот, органично вплетается в общий стиль ресторана".